Мессари објављује извештаје о стању ТРОН-а и УСДД за 3. квартал 2022 – Спонзорисане вести о Битцоин-у

Geneva, Switzerland / November 8, 2022 / – Мессариа, водећи добављач интелигенције крипто тржишта, објавио је два квартална извештаја о анализи у вези са ТРОН екосистем - Стате оф ТРОН К3 2022 Стање УСДД К3 2022. Both reports indicated positive conclusions about the stable and secure strength of УСДД и ТРОН мреже у целини.

The USDD report marked the first time Messari provided market intelligence in quarterly report form on the over-collateralized stablecoin issued by резерват ТРОН ДАО (TDR), custodian of USDD, currently with nine whitelisted members. USDD is backed by select crypto assets, including BTC, УСДТ, УСДЦ и TRX. The State of USDD report includes insights on performance, issuance, deposits, reserve balance, user adoption, transactions, price analysis, and total value locked. Readers can also get qualitative analysis on subjects such as monetary policy and the peg stability module (PSM).

Кључни увиди у УСДД извештај укључују:

  • After rapid adoption in Q2, supply growth stalled in Q3, increasing only 0.2% to 725 million. However, the number of wallets holding the currency increased nearly 5X in Q3.
  • The stablecoin remains well backed by non-native currencies with a collateral ratio of 1.9 at the quarter’s end.
  • After the UST collapse and stablecoin depegging in June, USDD maintained a tight peg and launched Peg Stability Module (PSM) using УСДТ, USDC, TUSD, and USDJ.

The State of TRON Report was also the first edition of quarterly coverage from Messari. This report highlights performance analysis, ecosystem development, and qualitative analysis. Readers can also get an overview of TRON’s TVL, Strategy and Challenges, and a forecast of the road ahead.

Кључни увиди у ТРОН извештај укључују:

  • TRON network activity exhibited continued strength after the launch of USDD in May.
  • Since May, the total amount of stake and total engaged stake has increased drastically.
  • Раст ТВЛ-а од 61% био је подстакнут три јединствена новчаника која су депоновала око 1.6 милијарди долара у различитим средствима.
  • ТРОН ДАО резерва је објавила произвођача криптовалута Винтермуте као свог деветог члана на белој листи, дајући му овлашћење да одржи фиксацију УСДД-а.
  • The GreatVoyage-v4.5.2 upgrade released in Q3 is aimed at improving node synchronization and transaction throughput.
  • If current activity persists and USDD expands across the ecosystem, TRON’s Resource Model that catalyzes deflation may be enhanced by the demand for and use of USDD.

Both reports noted the stabilizing effect of USDD’s collateralization, adoption, and future use cases. The TRON DAO community is thrilled with the encouraging conclusions from the Messari research team.





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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/messari-releases-q3-2022-state-of-tron-and-state-of-usdd-reports/