Глобални потпредседник МЕКСЦ-а Андрев Веинер објашњава привлачност трговине фјучерсима - Интервју Битцоин вести

A 6-year veteran of the crypto industry, Andrew Weiner serves as the Vice President of MEXC Global. As the former executive of RegTech and digital identity pioneer iComplyKYC, he worked with notable brands that include Thomson Reuters, ComplyAdvantage, IBM, Mastercard, Deloitte, and KPMG to deliver innovative solutions to Virtual Asset Service Providers in over 170+ countries.

Andrew recently joined the Bitcoin.com News Podcast to talk about the appeal of futures trading, the importance of liquidity, regulatory challenges and why “the Western market is four-years behind Asia”:

MEXC Global Vice President Andrew Weiner Explains the Appeal of Futures Trading
Andrew Weiner, Vice President, MEXC Global


MEXC is the world’s leading cryptocurrency trading platform, providing one-stop cryptocurrency trading services for spot, ETF, futures, Staking, NFT Index, etc.,and serving more than 10 million users worldwide. The core team has a solid background in traditional finance, and has professional financial product logic and technical security guarantees in terms of cryptocurrency products and services. In October 2021, MEXC Global won the title of “Best Cryptocurrency Exchange in Asia”. Currently, it supports the trading of more than 1,700 cryptocurrency, and is the trading platform with the fastest launch speed for new projects and the most tradable categories.

Званични сајт: ввв.мекц.цом

Official Blog: blog.mexc.com

MEXC Global twitter: twitter.com/MEXC_Global

M-Ventures twitter: twitter.com/MVenturesLabs

Подцаст Битцоин.цом Невс садржи интервјуе са најзанимљивијим лидерима, оснивачима и инвеститорима у свету криптовалута, децентрализованих финансија (ДеФи), НФТ-а и Метаверсе. Пратите нас на иТунес, Спотифи Гоогле Плаи-.

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Битцоин.цом је главни извор за све што се односи на криптовалуте.
Контактирајте тим за медије на [емаил заштићен] да разговарате о саопштењима за штампу, спонзорисаним објавама, подкастовима и другим опцијама.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/mexc-global-vice-president-andrew-weiner-explains-the-appeal-of-futures-trading/