Извршни директор Мицрософта Сатиа Наделла хвали Метаверсе 'осјећај присуства', назива га 'промјеном игре' – вијести Битцоин вијести

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, has given his opinion about the metaverse and the impact that the tech might have in the future. In a conversation with Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Nadella stated that the sense of presence achieved while interacting using metaverse tech is “game-changing.”

Microsoft’s Satya Nadella Talks Metaverse Benefits

Satya Nadella, CEO of tech giant Microsoft, has declared his support for the metaverse, citing its potential to bring people together compared to other less interactive technologies. In a разговор with Klaus Shwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held as part of the Davos 2023 meetings, Nadella praised the benefits that using this tech brings.

Nadella stated:

For me, the thing that is most game-changing for this particular technology is the sense of presence one has, which is when you are even virtually interacting.

Nadella believes that, while Covid-19 changed the environment when it comes to meetings, forcing people to resort to video calls for these purposes, the implementation of more immersive technologies is a “very natural extension of it.” To him, this is the real impact that the metaverse and other technologies being developed currently can have on today’s society.

Microsoft, WEF, and the Metaverse

Било је то недавно открила that Microsoft was one of the partners of the WEF in the development of the Global Collaboration Village, a virtual replica of Davos in the metaverse. The objective of this digital world is to allow the organization to bring together leaders from all over the world to be part of a constant conversation on policies and world issues. This would serve to extend the Davos’ meetings, which usually take place during a week, to become a constant event in the metaverse.

Per Schwab’s statements, there are already 70 or 80 companies behind this initiative, which is being built with Mesh, a metaverse component that works in tandem with teams, a team meeting application of Microsoft. Nadella was enthusiastic about the possibilities of this platform, stating:

Using this technology of metaverse and these immersive experiences to bring the world together to both have that sense of community presence and collaboration, I think is absolutely needed.

Microsoft has been actively invested in metaverse-related initiatives, moving resources to link part of its tech stack to enhance digital worlds. In October, the company најавила it was working on adapting its Cloud platform to be used in metaverse applications.

In contrast to Nadella’s views, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates рекао in a recent Reddit Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session that he currently prefers artificial intelligence (AI) technology over Web3 and metaverse technologies. Additionally, Microsoft is с обзиром investing $10 billion in funding for Openai, the creators of GPT-3 (Chatgpt).

What do you think about Satya Nadella’s vision of the metaverse? tell us in the comments section below.

Сергио Госцхенко

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Кредити за слике: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, drserg, Shutterstock.com

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/microsoft-ceo-satya-nadella-metaverse-presence-game-changing/