Више биткоина напушта Цоинбасе; Извршни директор Кракена сматра Бинанце-ов доказ о резервама 'бесмисленим'

The biggest news in the cryptoverse for Nov. 28 includes Kraken CEO saying Binance Proof-of-Reserve is pointless without proof of liabilities, Coinbase losing Bitcoin worth  $2 billion over the weekend, and BlockFi filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 

ЦриптоСлате Топ Сториес

Another $2B worth of Bitcoin withdrawn from Coinbase over weekend

According to Glassnode, crypto exchanges have lost over $15 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) in the past five days, with Coinbase losing the most.

Between Nov. 24 and Nov. 25, about 100,000 BTC (totaling $1.5 billion) was reportedly withdrawn from Coinbass. The trend continued over the weekend of Nov. 26 and Nov. 27, which saw some $2 billion worth of Bitcoin leave the exchange’s reserve

Consequently, Coinbase has lost $3.5 billion over the past five days, while Binance has topped its reserve with roughly $1.2 billion worth of Bitcoin.

Кракенов Пауел каже да је Бинанце Прооф-оф-Ресерве бесмислен без обавеза

Кракен генерални директор Јессе Повелл argued that Binance’s proof of reserve (PoR) was insufficient as it failed to highlight its liabilities. He added that implementing a Merkle Tree without an external auditor is not enough to prove that the exchange did not boost its reserve with accounts having negative balances.

Као одговор, Бинанце ЦЕО Цхангпенг Зхао said that his exchange was working to involve external auditors soon while maintaining that the PoR did not include negative balances.

Шале о умотаном ЕТХ депегу изазивају кратку панику на Твитеру

With insolvency rumors taking over the crypto community, prominent Ethereum advocates including Vitalik Buterin made a joke that wrapped Ethereum (Ветх) was about to become insolvent.

To avoid further panic in the community, Ethereum developer Hudson Jameson called out the joke and clarified that WETH will technically not face insolvency as it is a smart contract that is as decentralized as Ethereum and cannot face a bank run.

However, the WETH joke caused ETH’s price to decline by roughly 4%, with some community members cautioning that such jokes may get “the silliest of users” rekt.

БитБои наводи да је О'Леари био кључни играч у колапсу Целзијуса заједно са ФТКС-ом

Crypto YouTuber “Bitboy” while speaking on  Алтцоин Даили called out Kevin O’Leary for strongly supporting Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). Bitboy alleged that SBF targeted competing platforms such as Celsius and contributed to its collapse to amass more liquidity for FTX.

Bitboy added that SBF-supporter O’Leary had publicly called for Celsius to go down to zero, prior to the crypto lender’s fallout.

Тексас жели да буде средишњи део биткоин иновације, каже гувернер Абот

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has called on Bitcoin companies to set up their offices in Texas, as it was advancing pro-Bitcoin/blockchain agenda that will make the state “more inviting” for Bitcoin innovation.

Abbott added that Texas was improving its legislation to be “kind of anti-regulation”, while providing the needed infrastructure for Bitcoin to succeed.

Немачка има другу највећу концентрацију ЕТХ чворова на свету

Према CV VC Labs’s 2022 Blockchain report, about 22.8% of all Ethereum validators operate from Germany. This makes the European nation have the second-highest concentration of ETH nodes, only behind the United States which leads with 45.3%.

Additionally, the report highlighted that German blockchain projects raised approximately $8 billion across 220 funding, with about 34 startups becoming unicorns.

ЈП Морган верује да ће регулација довести до конвергенције крипто, ТрадФи-ја

In the wake of the FTX collapse, JP Morgan & Chase highlighted possible changes it believes will help crypto and traditional finance coverage.  The banking giant said it anticipates the approval of regulatory frameworks like the European Union’s Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) bill in 2023, which will focus largely on customer protection and self-custody regulation.

It added that crypto exchanges may be required to improve transparency by publishing a regular reserve, assets, and liabilities audit. Also, it predicts a shift away from centralized exchanges (CEX) to decentralized exchanges (DEX).

Блоцкфи постаје још једна жртва колапса ФТКС-а са банкротом

Barely two weeks after паузирање customers’ withdrawals, crypto lender BlockFi has filed for a Chapter 11 стечај due to its massive exposure to FTX. It reportedly owes about 100,000 creditors including the Securities and the Exchange Commission (SEC) which it owes some $30 million.

BlockFi added that it has roughly $256 million in cash to go through the restructuring process, with the aim of “maximizing values for all clients and stakeholders.”

Берза криптовалута БИТФРОНТ, основана ЛИНЕ, најављује затварање

Asia-based crypto exchange BITFRONT announced plans to cease operation effective March 31, 2023. After the date, it will halt withdrawals and go on to delete all personal files of users from its system.

Потпредседница ААКС-а се изјашњава против решавања одлуке о стечају компаније

The bankruptcy trend has hit Hong Kong exchange AAX, which disclosed it cannot pay employees’ salaries beyond November, while its customers will receive about 50% of their funds.

AAX Vice President Ben Caselin moved to quit his role and expressed dissatisfaction over the bankruptcy process.

Истакнуто истраживање

Binance led 2017 ‘dumb money’ Bitcoin investment; FTX leads 2022 cycle

Back in 2017 when Binance was established, it served as a haven for dumb money investors who FOMOed into Bitcoin trades based on hype and withdrew their holdings even at loss after the price peaked.

Просечна цена повлачења биткоина на берзама

Fast forward to 2022, Binance has grown to become the leading crypto exchange, making it a home for smart money investors, while exchanges like bankrupt FTX housed the dumb money investors.

Вести из криптоверзума

Gam7 launches $100M grant program

Web3 gaming DAO Gam7 has утврђен a $100 million grant program for game developers to build tools and scaling solutions that will lead to the global adoption of Web3 games.

Kraken to pay $363K to U.S. Treasury

The U.S. Department of Treasury најавила that it has levied a $362,158 on crypto exchange Kraken for failing to implement sanctions against Iran.

Kraken reportedly failed to block the IP addresses of Iranian users who transacted on the exchange at a time when the Treasury placed a ban on Iran.

Црипто Маркет

У последња 24 сата Битцоин (БТЦ) благо смањен за -1.87% да би се трговао на 16.243 долара, док Етереум (ЕТХ) смањен за -3.44% да би се трговао на 1,172 долара.

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/cryptoslate-wrapped-daily-more-bitcoin-leaves-coinbase-kraken-ceo-deems-binances-proof-of-reserves-pointless/