Мт. Гок кредитор одбацује лажни извештај о скором пуштању 140,000 БТЦ

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Гамза Кханзадаев

Recent news about Mt. Gox are fake, according to one of creditors

Eric Wall, one of the creditors of the infamous crypto exchange Mt. Gox одбијен the report about an imminent distribution of 140,000 BTC. He said that the payout system has not been created yet, not even a choice of exchange on which affected investors will be able to receive their payouts is ready. As it stands, there are no final dates yet.

ПСА: МтГок *НЕ* дистрибуира никакве новчиће ове недеље, или следеће недеље, или недељу након тога.

Извор: Ја сам МтГок кредитор. Систем отплате још није активан.

Следећи корак: Иди и блокирај @ТхеАлтцоинХуб за ширење ове погрешне информације.

— Ерик Вол (такође подржава Кс?) (@ерцвл) Август КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС

The creditor has given some additional clarifications. He said that BTC, BCH payments will be made in tranches, and some of the creditors have already sold their claims to Fortress.

Dumping rumors

According to rumors spread the day before, Mt. Gox was supposed to start Bitcoin compensations today, Aug. 28. Many were alarmed by the situation, viewing the rumor as a “black swan” for the cryptocurrency market. The panic created additional pressure on Bitcoin and the rest of the market, which already sagged significantly after the Fed’s hawkish rhetoric at the Jackson Hole symposium. The price of BTC at the time fell below $20,000.

Those responsible for the fake news about Mt. Gox probably decided to play ahead of the curve, based on the July news about the exchange’s compensation payments.


At that time in July, as извештава У.Тодаи, an updated Rehabilitation Plan was published on the Mt. Gox website, noting that claims for compensation from victims would be accepted until August, and then a period of review and payout would begin.

Nevertheless, neither then nor today did the court, creditors or Mt. Gox liquidators themselves give clear dates or any other specific information.

Source: https://u.today/mt-gox-creditor-denies-fake-report-about-imminent-release-of-140000-btc