Хакирање вишемилионског БНБ ланца и битка биткоина за 20 долара: Овонедељни сажетак криптовалута

In terms of overall market movements, not much was happening in the past seven days. The total capitalization remained somewhat flat, around $990 million, unable to recover above the coveted $1 trillion mark. Bitcoin’s price, as well as that of the majority of altcoins, also failed to post a significant difference.

At the time of this writing, Bitcoin’s price trades at around $19,700 – more or less where it was this time last week. The volatility is currently gone from the cryptocurrency market, and Bitcoin is no exception. The bulls attempted to rally above $20,000 and even managed to keep the price above this level for a couple of days, reaching a weekly high at just shy of $20,500 (on Binance).

Unfortunately, today, the price tumbled below $20K when the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics posted information about the jobs added through September. The number exceeded expectations, and market participants perceived it as a sign that the current measures to curb inflation and encourage spending are insufficient, hence pushing the price down.

Much like BTC, ETH is also charting a 0.2% increase over the past seven days, indicating a flat trend of rangebound trading. Most of the altcoins followed suit.

The most exciting thing, albeit in the bad sense of the word, was yesterday’s hack of the BNB Chain. Someone managed to exploit a security vulnerability in the BNB Bridge and siphoned at least $100 million worth of cryptocurrency. Developers were quick to react and froze some of the funds while the entire network was paused.

Now, the blockchain is operating as usual, and the vulnerability has been patched, but the efforts to recover the funds are ongoing.

All in all, the past week wasn’t as eventful as the previous ones, but it remains very interesting to see how the following seven days will turn up. As it’s well-known in the cryptocurrency industry, the markets don’t stay calm for long, and it’s these periods of seeming inactivity that are usually the precursor of a major movement.

podaci са тржишта

Маркет цап: $ 986Б | 24Х Вол: $ 54Б | Доминација БТЦ-а: 38.1%

БТЦ: 19,697 $ (+ 0.2%) | ЕТХ: $1,335 (+0.2%) | АДА: 0.42 УСД (-3.1%)


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This week we have a chart analysis of Ethereum, Ripple, Cardano, Binance Coin, and Polygon (MATIC) – кликните овде за комплетну анализу цена.

ПОСЕБНА ПОНУДА (Спонзорисане)

Бинанце бесплатно $100 (ексклузивно): Користите ову везу да се региструјете и добијете 100 $ бесплатно и 10% попуста на Бинанце Футурес првог месеца (услови).

ПримеКСБТ специјална понуда: Користите ову везу да се региструјете и унесете ПОТАТО50 код да бисте добили до 7,000 долара на своје депозите.

Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Подаци који се налазе на ЦриптоПотато-у су подаци писаца. Не представља мишљење ЦриптоПотата о томе да ли куповати, продавати или задржати било каква улагања. Саветујемо вам да спроведете сопствено истраживање пре него што донесете било какве одлуке о инвестирању. Користите достављене информације на сопствени ризик. Погледајте одрицање за додатне информације.

Крипто валута од ТрадингВиев.

Source: https://cryptopotato.com/multi-million-bnb-chain-hack-and-bitcoins-battle-for-20k-this-weeks-crypto-recap/