Нови извршни директор ФТКС-а рекао је члановима Конгреса СБФ-овој породици да је "сигурно примила уплате" од пословања - Битцоин вести

Према више извештаја, родитељи суоснивача ФТКС-а Сема Банкман-Фрида суочени су са испитивањем због њихове пријављене умешаности у пословање њиховог сина. Двојица професора са Станфорда Џозеф Банкман и Барбара Фрид нису оптужени ни за какве прекршаје, али је актуелни извршни директор ФТКС-а, Џон Џеј Реј ИИИ, недавно рекао члановима америчког Конгреса да су Џозеф Банкман и „породица сигурно примили исплате“ од ФТКС-а.

SBF’s Ethics-Obsessed Parents Face Scrutiny Over Their Alleged Ties With FTX Operations

On Saturday, a report from Reuters detailed that the FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) will likely предати to a U.S. extradition request, after it was initially reported that SBF would fight extradition to the United States. Извештаји detail that SBF’s parents, who are reportedly in The Bahamas supporting their son, испитивање лица over how involved they were with FTX operations.

Нови извршни директор ФТКС-а рекао је члановима Конгреса СБФ-овој породици да је "сигурно примила уплате" од предузећа
SBF’s parents Barbara Fried (pictured left) and Joseph Bankman (pictured right) are two law school professors at Stanford University.

While speaking in front of the U.S. Congress about the FTX collapse, the current FTX CEO, John J. Ray III, was asked about SBF’s parents and whether or not Joseph Bankman was an employee. “He received payments,” the new CEO and FTX restructuring chief said. “The family certainly received payments.”

Нови извршни директор ФТКС-а рекао је члановима Конгреса СБФ-овој породици да је "сигурно примила уплате" од предузећа
The new FTX CEO John J. Ray III (pictured left) testified in front of Congress and noted that SBF’s family “certainly received payments” from FTX.

The FTX CEO’s statements in front of Congress follow the извештај that alleged $121 million in Bahamian real estate was associated with SBF’s parents and FTX. One particular home was a Кућа од 16.4 милиона долара purchased in SBF’s parents’ name, but SBF detailed “it was intended to be the company’s property. I don’t know how that was papered in.” SBF’s parents’ spokesperson said:

[The couple] never intended to and never believed they had any beneficial or economic ownership of the house.

Fried and Bankman both teach law classes at Stanford University, and the news publication Puck recently published an чланак that says SBF’s parents were obsessed with ethics. SBF, himself, Рекао the New York Times (NYT) that his parents “bore no responsibility” for his affairs. Bankman had scheduled law classes to teach this month and he recently canceled his classes, while Fried recently resigned from super political action committee (PAC) Mind The Gap, a PAC she helped co-found in 2018.

According to the Wall Street Journal authors Justin Baer and Hardika Singh, a spokesperson for the family објаснио that Bankman was paid by FTX for at least a year as he was working on charitable projects for the now-defunct crypto exchange. It has also been said that Bankman advised SBF before he spoke in front of the House Financial Services Committee on Dec. 8, 2021.

Reports also note that Bankman advised SBF on legal matters prior to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and his resignation. While it is currently unknown if SBF’s parents had been more involved with SBF’s business affairs, the family faces significant legal bills from the white-collar lawyer SBF hired.

Ознаке у овој причи
Bahamaian real estate, Bahamas Real Estate, Барбара Фрид, Certainly Paid, Поглавље 11 Стечај, Етика, Бивши извршни директор ФТКС, фтк, ФТКС ЦЕО, ФТКС суоснивач, ФТКС колапс, ФТКС падавине, FTX Family, Јохн Ј. Раи ИИИ, Џозеф Банкман, Law Professors, Пази на Јаз, сада непостојећа крипто размена, Paid Employee, Сам Банкман-Фриед, сбф, Универзитет Стенфорд, Супер ПАЦ

What do you think about the reports that say SBF’s parents face scrutiny over their alleged involvement with their son’s firm? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Јамие Редман

Џејми Редман је водитељ вести у Битцоин.цом Невс-у и новинар о финансијским технологијама који живи на Флориди. Редман је активан члан заједнице криптовалута од 2011. Он има страст према Битцоин-у, коду отвореног кода и децентрализованим апликацијама. Од септембра 2015. Редман је написао више од 6,000 чланака за Битцоин.цом Невс о реметилачким протоколима који се појављују данас.

Кредити за слике: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Editorial photo credit: Nathan Howard/ Getty Images

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/new-ftx-ceo-told-members-of-congress-sbfs-family-certainly-received-payments-from-the-business/