Најстарији власници биткоина почињу да продају; ФТКС судски поднесак открива СБФ-ове зајмове од 1 милијарде долара од Аламеде

The biggest news in the cryptoverse for Nov. 17 includes the high selling tendency of Bitcoin holders older than 10 years, SBF’s $1.6 billion personal loan from Alameda Research, and Bitcoin and Ethereum’s emergence as the second and third most shorted crypto asset.

ЦриптоСлате Топ Сториес

Ко је продао највише БТЦ-а након колапса ФТКС-а? Власници од 10 година продају по највишој стопи икада

Колапс од ФТКС put immense pressure on investors, while the price of Bitcoin (BTC) fell as low as $15,000.

To reveal where the selling pressure was coming from, CryptoSlate analysts examined the short-term (STH) and long-term holders (LTH).

STH and LTH spot volume
STH and LTH spot volume

While history shows that the LTH is the first to sell their coins when the numbers start to fall, the turmoil following the FTX collapse didn’t shake the confidence of long-term holders.

Instead, the market recorded its fifth-largest number of STH sellers since March 2021, which translates to around 400,000 Bitcoins sold by STH between Nov. 10 and Nov. 17.

Подношење стечајног суда ФТКС-а открива да је Аламеда дала 1.6 милијарди долара кредита СБФ-у, другима

FTX’s new CEO John Ray III’s court filing revealed that Sam Bankman Fried (SBF) got $1 billion in personal loans from Аламеда Ресеарцх.

Ray referred to the situation as a “complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information.”

The filing also disclosed that Alameda lent $543 million to FTX director of engineering Nishad Singh and $55 million to FTX Co-CEO Ryan Salame.

Колапс ФТКС-а показује да ће Битцоин, Етхереум бити скраћени на другом и трећем месту

After the FTX collapse, Ethereum (ETH) became the second-most shorted crypto in the market, followed by Bitcoin as the third.

According to the average funding rate set by exchanges for perpetual futures contracts, long positions pay periodically, while shorts pay whenever the rate percentage turns positive. The recent profound negative fund rates indicate an upcoming depression before the markets start healing.

Генесис је тражио хитни зајам од милијарду долара, али га никада није добио

Crypto lender genesis sought out an emergency loan of $1 billion from investors but never got it,  as the Wall Street Journal reported.

The reports noted that Genesis sought the funds because of a “liquidity crunch due to certain illiquid assets on its balance sheets.”

ФТКС нападач наставља да размењује токене; размењује 7.95 милиона долара БНБ за БУСД, ЕТХ

The FTX attacker kept their hands busy on Nov. 17 and drained around $600 million in one day. In three transactions, they swapped 30,000 BNB tokens for Ethereum and Binance USD (BUSD).

The exploiter currently holds $11.8 million БНБ and ETH, worth around $346.8 million at the current price levels.

Председник Букеле открива да ће Ел Салвадор куповати 1 биткоин дневно

El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele announced that the country would start buying one Bitcoin daily, beginning on Nov. 18.

El Salvador has been heavily criticized for its Bitcoin investments. However, the country didn’t cave and continued to express its confidence in crypto. El Salvador spent over $100 million to acquire the  2,381 Bitcoins it currently holds.

Mainstream media called out for gaslighting over Sam Bankman-Fried’ good guy’ narrative

The crypto community reacted to the mainstream media outlets for publishing articles that favor SBF, even after the FTX’s collapse.

The community reminded the imprisonment of the Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev and expressed its frustration about SBF being free.

Круг смањује стопе приноса на 0%

УСД кованица (USDC) issuer Круг dropped its yield product APY rate to 0% and said that its yield product is overcollateralized and secured by “robust collateral agreements.”

An announcement on Circle’s official Twitter also detailed its overcollateralized fixed-term yield product.

Сингапурски Темасек отписује 275 милиона долара ФТКС инвестицију, погрешно веровао у Сема Банкмана-Фрида

Singapore-based investment fund Temasek stated that it is writing off its $275 million investment in FTX, saying it had misplaced its “belief in the actions, judgment, and leadership” by putting them on SBF.

Компанија је рекла:

„Теза за нашу инвестицију у ФТКС је била да инвестирамо у водећу размену дигиталних средстава која нам омогућава да будемо агностички агностички и тржишно неутрална изложеност крипто тржиштима са моделом прихода од накнада и без ризика трговања или биланса стања.

Вести из криптоверзума

Истакнуто истраживање

Истраживање: 78% свих уложених ЕТХ је преко 4 централизована провајдера; 74% свих блокова је усклађено са ОФАЦ-ом

CryptoSlate analysts examined Ethereum staking on-chain data and revealed that around 78% of all staked Ethereum is dispersed across four centralized providers.

Staked Ethereyum by Provider
Staked Ethereyum by Provider

There are 8-9 million Ethereum currently staked across Лидо (КСНУМКС милион), Цоинбасе (КСНУМКС милион), кракен (1,2 милиона), и Бинанце (КСНУМКС милион).

Almost 75% of all Ethereum blocks are considered to be OFAC compliant. 15% of all blocks produced by Ethereum are still non-OFAC compliant, and the other 11% are non-MEV-Boost blocks.

Црипто Маркет

У последња 24 сата Битцоин (БТЦ) порасла за 0.58% на 16,678 долара, док Етереум (ЕТХ) опао је за 0.73% да би трговао на 1,202 долара.

Највећи добици (24 сата)

Највећи губитници (24х)

Source: https://cryptoslate.com/cryptoslate-wrapped-daily-oldest-bitcoin-holders-start-selling-ftx-court-filing-reveals-sbfs-1b-loans-from-alameda/