ОпенОцеан интегрише Версе ДЕКС како би продубио доступну ликвидност на Етхереуму – Саопштење за јавност Битцоин вести

САОПШТЕЊЕ. OpenOcean, a leading Web 3 middleware developer and DEX Aggregator across 19 chains, backed by top investors – Binance Labs, CMS, Altonomy, and more – has integrated with the recently released Стих ДЕКС, Bitcoin.com’s decentralized exchange (DEX), to provide easier, cheaper and faster access to low-cost and gas-efficient swaps on OpenOcean’s Ethereum mainnet.

OpenOcean, as a leading DEX aggregator, integrates the Verse DEX as one of the liquidity sources to deepen the liquidity on the Ethereum network in order to provide users the best swap returns. OpenOcean’s intelligent routing algorithm helps users search for the best price quote across aggregated DEXs on their chosen network. With the integration, OpenOcean users can also enjoy the benefits for its products, cross-chain swaps, and limit orders, empowered with Verse’ liquidity directly on Ethereum.

Битцоин.цом’s multichain Verse DEX is an automated market maker-based decentralized exchange that aims to bring everyone permissionless and non-custodial trading access, with a special focus on newcomers to DeFi. Anyone can safely and securely swap crypto with low fees, including cross-chain trading between BTC, BCH, ETH and more. Anyone can also earn yield by providing liquidity to the DEX.

Verse DEX is derived from the battle tested Uniswap V2 contract, and has been audited by a third-party smart contract auditor. It is currently available on Ethereum and SmartBCH blockchains, but is continuously expanding onto low-fee, high transaction speed blockchains.

OpenOcean is a multi-chain Web 3 DEX Aggregator and integrates over 250 unique liquidity sources across 19+ networks. Using OpenOceans unique novel routing algorithm the platform is able to provide efficient spot swaps with the lowest possible gas fees and the highest maximum returns; it works by constantly analysing, comparing and determining the best routes available for a trade by connecting all integrated liquidity sources. To increase trading efficiency, OpenOcean, as a one-stop solution, also provides limit orders, cross-chain swaps and perpetual aggregation on multi-chains. In the near future OpenOcean will continue looking to expand more services to fulfill users’ needs on Web 3.


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Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/openocean-integrates-verse-dex-to-deepen-available-liquidity-on-ethereum/