Оптимизам планира да унапреди Л2 скалирајућу мрежу уз надоградњу „Бедроцк“ у марту – Технологија Битцоин вести

The Ethereum scaling network Optimism, which operates as a layer two (L2) network, announced plans to upgrade its network in March. The upgrade, named “Bedrock,” aims to increase transfer speed, lower fees, and enhance compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The Optimism Foundation stated in its proposal, “The Bedrock upgrade is a major step towards a multi-chain future.”

Optimism’s Bedrock Upgrade: Optimizing Transfer Fees and Improving Node Performance

Optimism, the L2 Ethereum scaling solution, планови to upgrade its network in mid-March 2023 with a new ruleset change called Bedrock. On Feb. 1, 2023, the Optimism Foundation tweeted about the proposal, наводећи, “The Optimism Foundation has proposed the first protocol upgrade to the Optimism Collective: Bedrock.” In another tweet, the official Optimism Twitter account expressed excitement about presenting the proposal to the Token House. Optimism’s tweet додаје:

We see Bedrock as the culmination of years of R&D—and the next crucial step towards a modular, simplified, and performant multi-chain future.

The Optimism Foundation’s upgrade proposal details the first official release of the ОП Стацк, a set of modular components powering Optimism. Bedrock aims to improve transfer fees through optimized data compression, reduce deposit times by handling L1 re-orgs more efficiently, enable modular proof systems, and enhance node performance. The proposal highlights that Bedrock aims to maintain close compatibility with Ethereum.

The Bedrock upgrade, the first official release of the OP Stack, will support Ethereum-centric design principles like ЕИП-1559 and modularity. According to Optimism’s Twitter account, the upgrade is expected to take approximately 4 hours and will not require a “regenesis.” End-users of Optimism do not need to take any action, and historic chain data will remain accessible after the upgrade. The Goerli testnet for Optimism has already undergone a successful upgrade to Bedrock without major issues, according to Optimism developers.

Ознаке у овој причи
Темељ, компатибилност, компресија података, deposit times, Принципи дизајна, Програмери, ЕИП-1559, крајњи корисници, Ethereum, Етхереум Виртуал Мацхине, Ethereum-centric, ЕВМ, Гоерли тестнет, historic chain data, L1 re-orgs, L2, Слој два, ниже накнаде, maintain compatibility, модуларни, модуларне компоненте, вишеланчана будућност, node performance, ОП Стацк, Оптимизам, системи доказа, предлог, Р & Д, regenesis, скалирајућа мрежа, transfer speed, Упграде

What are your thoughts on Optimism’s upcoming Bedrock upgrade and its potential impact on the future of the L2 network? Share your thoughts about this subject in the comments section below.

Јамие Редман

Џејми Редман је водитељ вести у Битцоин.цом Невс-у и новинар о финансијским технологијама који живи на Флориди. Редман је активан члан заједнице криптовалута од 2011. Он има страст према Битцоин-у, коду отвореног кода и децентрализованим апликацијама. Од септембра 2015. Редман је написао више од 6,000 чланака за Битцоин.цом Невс о реметилачким протоколима који се појављују данас.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/optimism-plans-to-enhance-l2-scaling-network-with-bedrock-upgrade-in-march/