Ренаулт потписује партнерство са Сандбок-ом како би довео аутомобилска искуства у Метаверсе – Битцоин вести

The Korean subsidiary of Renault, a historic brand in the automotive industry, is establishing a partnership with The Sandbox, an Ethereum-based metaverse platform, to enter the metaverse space. With this partnership, Renault Korea’s objective is to establish its brand presence in the metaverse and to present Renault-based virtual automotive experiences to customers.

Renault to Enter Metaverse Through the Sandbox

Renault, one of the biggest automotive companies in the world, has потписан a partnership with The Sandbox to be present in its virtual metaverse world. The Korean subsidiary of the organization will be responsible for this, establishing the brand presence in the space through a series of automotive-related activities to introduce virtual customers to the products of the company.

These automotive experiences aim to enrich The Sandbox platform and allow Renault to reach a more ample audience, expanding the potential customer base of their products. About the partnership, The Sandbox Korea’s CEO Cindy Lee stated:

This partnership is an excellent example of a collaboration. The Sandbox can develop without any industrial boundaries. We are able to introduce new types of experiences that combine automobiles and digital assets in The Sandbox.

The extent of the partnership and the nature of the experiences it will produce were not revealed at the time. Renault now joins the ranks of компанији појединци that are already present in the Ethereum-based metaverse platform.

Automotive Brands and the Metaverse

Renault is not the first automaker aiming to place products in the metaverse. In fact, the metaverse has become a popular destination for these companies. Volkswagen организован an advertising campaign in April called “Game On,” in which users had to hunt NFTs in a metaverse environment.

Nissan, a Japanese automaker, used the metaverse to помоћи in the launch of one of its latest electric cars, the Sakura. The company set up a virtual world in which potential customers could drive the car, examining its characteristics and its forms. This experience, according to Nissan, provided “an opportunity to connect with new audiences like never before.” Furthermore, the company stated it was “excited about what’s next, and will keep innovating new digital approaches for our products.”

Hyundai has also been презентација future mobility experiences in a virtual motor studio located in a metaverse world called Zepeto, managed by Naver Z.

Ознаке у овој причи
аутомобилске марке, automotive companies, Цинди Лее, Хиундаи, Кореја, Метаверсе, naver z, Ниссан, Ренаулт, Песковник, Волксваген, Зепето

What do you think about Renault Korea partnering with The Sandbox? Tell us in the comments section below.

Сергио Госцхенко

Сергио је новинар о криптовалутама са седиштем у Венецуели. Он себе описује да је касно ушао у игру, ушао је у криптосферу када је дошло до пораста цена током децембра 2017. Имајући искуство у компјутерском инжењерству, живи у Венецуели и под утицајем бума криптовалута на друштвеном нивоу, он нуди другачију тачку гледишта о крипто успеху и како то помаже онима који немају банковне услуге и којима недостаје услуга.

Кредити за слике: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, nitpicker / Shutterstock.com

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/renault-inks-partnership-with-the-sandbox-to-bring-automotive-experiences-to-the-metaverse/