Револанд Холдинг ИДО на ЕверСтарту – Саопштење за штампу Битцоин вести

САОПШТЕЊЕ. ЕверСтарт, a DAO-controlled multi-chain launchpad built on the Еверсцале блоцкцхаин мрежа Revoland, a blockchain-based MOBA & Battle Royale video game, are partnering for an initial DEX offering. In the IDO, participants will be able to acquire REVO, a governance token that provides a payment and settlement method to interact with Revoland’s ecosystem.

Револанд is the first blockchain-based MOBA game on Huawei Cloud, developed and published by Chain X Game, and backed by a solid set of investors and partners such as Alameda Research, HashKey Capital, Polygon, SEAGM, KhalasPay, and Huawei to name but a few. The Revoland team is completing its busy community development schedule with a series of IDO events on multiple exchanges, platforms and launchpads.

ЕверСтарт is a decentralized launchpad based on Everscale smart contracts. It has reached an agreement with Chain X Game to run the IDO on its platform. Running an IDO for Revoland is an important milestone for EverStart as part of its strategy to work with best-in-class blockchain projects by providing them with a decentralized, transparent, and secure token distribution process.

With a great variety of game modes in Revoland, availability of a free-to-play version, and tons of opportunities to compete for real value rewards paid in native game tokens, the game is taking a clear path to mass adoption. The Revoland IDO opens a great opportunity for gaming and blockchain enthusiasts to play an active role in the development of Revoland’s ecosystem and to act as its governors.

During the IDO, a total of 83,330 REVO tokens will be distributed. The event opens at 6:00 p.m. UTC+3 on June 18, 2022 and closes at 6:00 p.m. UTC+3 on June 20, 2022. Payment is available via the Everscale, Ethereum, БНБ Chain, Polygon, and Fantom networks.

Join the Revoland IDO on EverStart using this link.



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Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/revoland-holding-ido-on-everstart/