Извршни директор Рипплеа, оптимистична крипто индустрија ће бити јача након ФТКС фијаска ако транспарентност и поверење остану у фокусу - Представљене Битцоин вести

The CEO of Ripple Labs, Brad Garlinghouse, believes that the crypto industry will come out stronger after the FTX meltdown if transparency and trust remain its key focus. He stressed the importance of having “honest conversations about solving real-world problems with crypto and blockchain.”

Ripple’s CEO Optimistic About Crypto’s Recovery After FTX Meltdown

The CEO of Ripple Labs, Brad Garlinghouse, shared his opinion Wednesday on the crypto industry’s recovery following the collapse of FTX during Ripple Swell, an annual conference held by Ripple. FTX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last week.

Reiterating what he said on stage at the conference, Garlinghouse tweeted:

I firmly believe that crypto will be stronger because of this if we keep focusing on transparency and trust. Ripple has and will continue to lead in this regard.

“With all that’s happening in the past few weeks (and over the course of this year’s ups and downs), it feels even more imperative that we’ve gathered together in person to have honest conversations about solving real-world problems with crypto and blockchain,” he wrote in a follow-up tweet.

Garlinghouse told CNBC Wednesday that the idea that crypto is not regulated is “overstated,” adding:

Crypto has never just been sunshine and roses and as an industry, it needs to mature … Transparency builds trust.

Ripple is currently seeking a license in Ireland to drive EU expansion, the company’s general counsel, Stuart Alderoty, told the news outlet Friday.

The firm’s European expansion drive comes in anticipation of a new regulatory framework provided by the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) bill, which seeks to align rules on crypto assets across EU countries. “I think MiCA’s a very good start,” Alderoty said.

Regarding the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit against Ripple, Garlinghouse, and co-founder Chris Larsen over the sale of XRP, both Alderoty and Garlinghouse очекивати a ruling on the case to arrive in the first half of 2023. Final legal briefs are due by Nov. 30, after which a judge can either make a ruling or refer it to a jury trial. “We are at the beginning of the end of the process in our case,” Alderoty opined.

Ознаке у овој причи
Брад Гарлингхоусе, Црипто, фтк, МиЦА, Ripple, риппле црипторегулатион, Ripple europe expansion, Ripple FTX, Ripple Sam Bankman-Fried, ДИК, сец тужба, сек тужба због крп, Стуарт Алдероти, Stuart Alderoty FTX

Do you agree with Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse? Let us know in the comments section below.

Кевин Хелмс

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/ripple-ceo-optimistic-crypto-industry-will-be-stronger-after-ftx-fiasco-if-transparency-and-trust-remain-its-focus/