Стратег у клађењу крипто фонда од 1,300,000,000 долара на Битцоин, Етхереум и један алткоин који изазива „узбуђење“

The chief investment officer (CIO) of Bitwise Investments, Matt Hougan, is naming his top three crypto assets.

Хоуган каже in a new Stansberry Research interview that Bitcoin (BTC) и Етхереум (ETH) are the “two big horses” that investors should have in their crypto portfolio.

“I’ll talk about three that catch my eye right now.

I think Bitcoin is still a very critical crypto asset, the asset institutions feel most comfortable holding.

It’s a hedge against monetary policy errors, and I think there’s still significant risk of those errors. We’re seeing potentially a second leg in inflation in Europe that can complicate matters here in the US. So, I think it’s a great hedge for that perspective. I think you’re going to see continual flows into that space.

We’re probably most excited about Ethereum. I think a few years ago you could buy Bitcoin and have your crypto exposure and be 80% right. I think today you need to have at least Bitcoin and Ethereum, the two big horses to have in a crypto portfolio.

There’s so much technological progress going on in the Ethereum ecosystem. The number of developers is huge, the cost per transaction is closing down very rapidly, which makes me very excited. So I love what’s going on in Ethereum.”

According to the Bitwise Investments CIO, the other crypto asset that investors should consider is the native token of Cosmos (ATOM), an ecosystem of blockchains designed for scalability and cross-communication.

“And the third asset I will throw in there right now: there’s a lot of excitement around Cosmos, which is sort of an Ethereum competitor but with a different architectural thesis…

Cosmos has a lot of interesting activity right now, a lot of excitement around that particular crypto asset. And so I would look at that too as an interesting altcoin if you wanted to go beyond the big two.”


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Генерисана слика: Мидјоурнеи

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/04/strategist-at-1300000000-crypto-fund-betting-on-bitcoin-ethereum-and-one-altcoin-thats-causing-excitement/