Тесла је задржао свој Битцоин у К4 Упркос тржишним условима

The leading electric car company Tesla held on to its Bitcoin holdings during the end of 2022. Documents reveal that the company held $184 million in virtual assets at the end of the year.

As per Jan 25 Q4 results, Tesla’s financials revealed that the company neither purchased nor sold its Bitcoin holdings amid the crypto market crash and the sudden downfall of the crypto exchange FTX.

During Q1 of 2021, Тесла bought 43,200 Bitcoin for $1.5 billion. The company’s Bitcoin holdings reached $2.28 billion and ended 2021 at nearly $2 billion.

In mid-2022, Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, announced that the company decided to liquidate 75% of its Bitcoin holdings for $936 million due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 and the sudden rise of production costs in China.

Earlier in 2022, Musk tweeted that he will hold his personal Bitcoins and had no intention of selling them. 

Evolution of Tesla

Popular automakers such as Ford and Honda have been dominating the automobile sector for several decades. But a great company, which two engineers introduced in 2003, stood out from the mix. In 2012, the Model S by Elon Musk and Tesla had gained tremendous popularity worldwide. Currently, the market capitalization of Tesla is nearly $452.57.

Главни мото Тесле је стварање одрживијег транспорта и енергије која се добија путем електричних возила и соларне енергије. „Електрична возила могу бити боља, бржа и забавнија за вожњу од аутомобила на бензин.”

У року од месец дана, Тесла је прешао рекорде продаје свих времена у септембру 2014, када је компанија продала више од 2,500 аутомобила. У 2015. поново је направио рекорд продајом 10,030 аутомобила у року од месец дана. У 2021. години остварио је највећу продају широм света од 21% електричних возила на батерије и 14% електричних возила са прикључком.

In September 2022, the Tesla Model Y created a record in Europe by registering 29,367 cars within one month. According to the reports, Model Y was the best-selling vehicle in Germany and the second best-selling vehicle in the United Kingdom.

On Jan 26, 2023, Tesla released its Q4 report, where the company recorded $5.7 billion in profits from $24.3 in revenues. Tesla celebrated a profit of $20.8 million for 2022 from $81.4 billion in revenues.

Нанци Ј. Аллен
Најновији постови Нанци Ј. Аллен (види све)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/28/tesla-held-on-to-its-bitcoin-in-q4-despite-the-market-conditions/