Лунар Метаверсе покреће продају НФТ земљишта за генерисање прихода – Спонзорисане Битцоин вести

Moon is a brand new economic, and social Metaverse inspired by lunar exploration. Players have the opportunity to acquire NFT land plots, develop a new world, drive its economy and uncover the mysteries of the Moon’s dark side.

Ограничена колекција по најбољој могућој вредности од 1000 парцела почиње данас.

Launching today the first 1000 NFT lands offer the best deal possible for early adopters. Get a head start by joining Moon Metaverse during its private sale period and gain access to land containing extremely rare and valuable resources.

Moon’s lunar surface is represented by 126,000 virtual HEX land plots, each represented by an NFT. Players will have the opportunity to surpass the Moon landings of the late 60s, and early 70s by controlling, developing, and expanding their HEXs into fully-functioning communities within the first lunar colony.

Why Buy Moon’s Lunar Land?

Each Hex grants its owner the opportunity to participate in Moon’s player-driven economy. They can be bought, sold, rented, and developed as players wish by using Moon’s native token. The value of a HEX can be increased by developing territory that is viable as an economic, political, and militaristic ‘Moon country’.

NFT land passively generates the game’s tokens for the players controlling it. Through smart strategic gameplay and decision making, a player’s HEX could become home to dozens of businesses and hundreds of other players who are working and paying taxes as part of these larger countries. Each transaction on a HEX generates revenue for its landlord.

Moon tokens will be earned from a range of in-game activities and can be held for long-term appreciation, sold on crypto exchanges, or simply fed back into the game to continue Hex development. As Moon’s player-driven ecosystem expands, so will greater demand for its finite plots of land, in-game resources, and tools. This will support the long-term value of the token.

Месечев лунарни НФТ Хекс биће фантастична инвестиција, отварајући наизглед неограничене могућности њиховим власницима да почну да зарађују. Не пропустите ову прилику да се међу првима придружите Месечевом метаверзуму.

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Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/moon-the-lunar-metaverse-launches-revenue-generating-nft-land-sale/