Врхунски аналитичар каже шта је следеће за Битцоин, Етхереум и остала крипто тржишта након пада средином недеље

A widely followed crypto trader is charting out Bitcoin (BTC) и Етхереум (ETH) after BTC’s failed bid to reclaim $23,450.

У најновијем издању његовог билтена Цриптоцадеми, аналитичар Џастин Бенет каже BTC is teetering between support levels.

“Bitcoin tried to reclaim $23,450 but failed. BTC also closed the day below $23,000, which could be problematic for the relief rally as that level is likely to serve as resistance now.

The next key support for BTC is $22,400, followed by the $21,600 level.

BTC will have to reclaim $23,000 and $23,450 on a daily closing basis to turn constructive again.”

Извор: Јустин Беннетт/Цриптоцадеми

БТЦ се тргује за 23,114 долара у време писања.

Ethereum’s current value of $1,650 isn’t surprising to Bennett, who says ETH is weak below the $1,700 mark.

“ETH is still very sideways and looking relatively weak while below $1,700. That close below the level over the weekend is still serving as a fakeout.

For now, the $1,520 area is likely to serve as critical support for ETH should we see markets pull back this week. A close below that would open up $1,420 again.

Ethereum will have to close a day back above $1,700 to turn constructive again. Until then, the market will remain under pressure.”

Извор: Јустин Беннетт/Цриптоцадеми

Analyzing the total crypto market cap (УКУПНО), a market strength indicator, Bennett suggests crypto’s market cap could be rallying toward the $1.15 trillion level.

“TOTAL is just barely holding onto the $1.035 trillion support level. The market tried to reclaim $1.05 trillion today but failed in the end.

If $1.035 trillion fails this week and we get a daily close below that, a move toward $985 billion seems likely, if not a full retracement to $960 billion.

Alternatively, a rally from $1.035 trillion and a reclaim above $1.05 trillion would be bullish for the crypto market and open the door to $1.15 trillion.”

Извор: Јустин Беннетт/Цриптоцадеми

According to CoinMarketCap, TOTAL currently resides at $1.07 trillion.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Sergey Nivens/Sol Invictus

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/04/top-analyst-calls-whats-next-for-bitcoin-ethereum-and-the-rest-of-the-crypto-markets-after-a-mid-week-slump/