Најбољи трговац ажурира изгледе за Етхереум ривале Цардано и Фантом, каже да биткоин мора да држи 23,000 долара да би избегао веће повлачење

Широко праћен крипто аналитичар ажурира свој поглед на Битцоин (BTC), Цардано (ADA) и Етхереум (ETH) ривал Фантом (FTM) after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter percentage point.

In a new strategy session video, crypto strategist Michaël van de Poppe каже his 163,000 Youtube subscribers that if Bitcoin fails to hold a key support level of $23,000, then the king crypto is likely heading lower by nearly 10% from its current value.

“What can we see on the price action at this point? Volatility is crazy at this stage in which we have got the support bounce at $22,400.

We’ve got this rally in which we took out the high and now we are rejecting at the previous high again which ultimately results into further downside, in which I’m marking $23,000 as an important indicator to keep an eye on.

We need to stay above $23,000. If we do not hold $23,000, we’re going to correct back towards $21,200.”

Битцоин вреди 23,532 долара у време писања.

Ван де Поппе такође каже his 646,600 Twitter followers that Cardano is not showing strength to the upside. He sets a lower support level of $0.35 if there is a correction. But he says if Cardano can flip $0.42 into support, he would look for a run up to $0.50.

“Didn’t see any strength as of yet. I’d be looking at a case where I’d want to look for longs around $0.35 if a correction occurs or when the area at $0.42 flips for support.”

Извор: Мицхаел ван де Поппе / Твиттер

Cardano is trading for $0.40 at time of writing.

На крају, он каже Fantom is nearing the higher timeframe resistance level of $0.66 and may dip to $0.50 before bouncing back up.

“Higher timeframe resistance approaching here as it’s closing the gap. If there’s a dip, I’d be interested around $0.50 on this one.”

Source: MMichaël van de Poppe/Twitter

Фантом вреди 0.64 долара у време писања.


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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/03/top-trader-updates-forecasts-for-ethereum-rivals-cardano-and-fantom-says-bitcoin-must-hold-23000-to-avoid-larger-pullback/