Трговац који је погодио епски колапс Битцоин-а 2018. каже да се назире екстремна корекција БТЦ-а – ево његове мете

The veteran trader who accurately called Bitcoin’s 2018 meltdown is issuing a fresh warning that a severe correction could be looming for BTC.

Seasoned market analyst Peter Brandt tells his 651,800 Twitter followers Bitcoin must recover its May 31st high of around $32,000 to avoid the risk of a massive capitulation event.

“Unless Bitcoin (BTC) can close above the May 31st high, this chart could become a textbook example of the famed ‘Drano’ chart pattern.”

Извор: Петер Брандт / Твиттер

Looking at Brandt’s chart, Bitcoin appears to have broken down from a big sideways channel and his next reliable support on the weekly timeframe is around his target at $12,700.

У време писања, Bitcoin is changing hands for $21,758, down over 16% in the last 24 hours. A move to Brandt’s target suggests a downside risk of over 40% for BTC.

Brandt also says he agrees with the idea that a purge is possible. But over the long-term, he still believes that BTC will make a fresh all-time high.

“In my opinion, we will not make a new all-time high until early 2024 but by then we will be in a giant uptrend.” 

The veteran trader is also keeping a close watch on the US dollar index, which he says is threatening to take out its long-term resistance at $106.

“The US dollar could be poised for a big run. If $106 is breached, the chart target would become $119.” 

Извор: Петер Брандт / Твиттер

Traders rely on the US dollar index to gauge investor sentiment. A strong USD suggests that investors are selling risk-on assets like equities and crypto in a flight to the safety of the US dollar.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Ироника/Сенсвецтор

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/14/trader-who-nailed-epic-bitcoin-2018-collapse-says-extreme-btc-correction-looming-heres-his-target/