Турбуленција за блоцкцхаин индустрију упркос јаким основама Битцоина: Извештај

In the past, it was often said that Bitcoin (BTC) moves the entire crypto and blockchain industry. Is this still the case?

The past few months have seen Bitcoin hitting high-water marks including all-time high long-term holder rates local highs in hash rate difficulty adjustment — yet Bitcoin is still in bearish conditions as we head into Q4 of 2022.

Not all areas of the blockchain industry can boast such signals of strength, such as venture capital (VC), which brought in $840,000 in October, down 48.6% from the previous month. Likewise, there has been a continued drop in GameFi nonfungible token sales, even with 10% more active gamers in October than in September.

All the while, regulation continues to be a looming threat from entities like the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, which is now looking into the possibility that Ether (ETH) is a security given that 46.65% of Ethereum nodes are in the United States.

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Every month, Cointelegraph Research releases an Investor Insights report that analyzes key indicators from different sectors of the blockchain industry, such as regulation, crypto mining, security tokens, Bitcoin and Ether derivatives, and VC activities.

Another positive Bitcoin signal

Bitcoin is trading above its 50-day moving average (MA), with the 100-day MA acting as resistance and the moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) histogram signaling a bullish trend. On-chain data and historically accurate metrics suggest a bottom may be near. Furthermore, the MVRV-Z score has been in the green zone since late June, suggesting Bitcoin is bottoming out.

Post-Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) volatility was brief on Nov. 2, with the trading range consolidating around the $20,000 level. Apart from the FOMC, volatility could come in the wake of the U.S. midterm elections and Q3 earnings from crypto behemoths MicroStrategy, Coinbase, Block and Robinhood, all of which occur in November.

Bitcoin’s fundamentals are still strong, and the asset that started it all for crypto will likely help keep the industry ultimately on course through the rest of the медвед тржиште, even though it may face some volatility along the way. But thankfully, 1 BTC continues to equal 1 BTC.

Истраживачки тим Цоинтелеграпха

Цоинтелеграпх-ово одељење за истраживање обухвата неке од најбољих талената у индустрији блокчејна. Обједињујући академску строгост и филтрирано кроз практично и тешко стечено искуство, истраживачи у тиму су посвећени да донесу најтачнији и најпроницљивији садржај доступан на тржишту.

Demelza Hays, Ph.D., is the director of research at Cointelegraph. Hays has compiled a team of subject matter experts from across the fields of finance, economics and technology to bring to the market the premier source for industry reports and insightful analysis. The team utilizes APIs from a variety of sources in order to provide accurate and useful information and analyses.

Са деценијама комбинованог искуства у традиционалним финансијама, пословању, инжењерингу, технологији и истраживању, Цоинтелеграпх истраживачки тим је савршено позициониран да своје комбиноване таленте правилно искористи са Извештајем о увидима инвеститора.

Мишљења изражена у овом чланку су само у опште информативне сврхе и немају за циљ да дају конкретне савете или препоруке за било ког појединца или о било ком специфичном безбедносном или инвестиционом производу.