Два Етхереум конкурента су спремна да надмаше крипто тржишта, према Битцоин Булл Марк Иуско

Morgan Creek Digital crypto hedge fund managing partner and Bitcoin (BTC) bull Mark Yusko is naming the layer-1 altcoins he sees coming out on top.

In a new YouTube interview with Altcoin Daily host Austin Arnold, Yusko каже the layer-1 blockchain projects that are the strongest out of the pack are Ethereum (ETH)-rivals Avalanche (AVAX) и Полкадот (DOT).

Yusko also applauds Cosmos (ATOM) when it comes to use-case possibilities and accuracy.

“I probably lean toward Avalanche. I like them. Polkadot and Cosmos, I think you can make really good cases of why they could be winners.”

At time of writing, Avalanche is swapping hands at $13.20, Polkadot at $5.44 and Cosmos at $10.49.

Yusko then names Solana (SOL) as a solid project with flaws.

“We made and lost a lot of money in Solana. I still think there’s something there. I struggle with the one thing about Solana, well there are two things. One, it tends to go out, which I don’t like. And two, it’s not 100% accurate. So there are certain use cases that you just can’t use. You know, if I’m rendering a game and it’s got a little glitch, I don’t really care… If I got an NFT [non-fungible token] that doesn’t render perfectly at first, okay, no problem. But if I’m doing accounting, I got to have 100%. Not 99.999%. I need 100%.”

У време писања, Солана тргује рукама по цени од 14.02 долара.


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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Wuttikai Pimpakhun

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/01/two-ethereum-competitors-are-set-to-outperform-crypto-markets-according-to-bitcoin-bull-mark-yusko/