Америчке институције покрећу цене биткоина, истраживање Матрикспорта

Bitcoin prices have been on the rise in the last couple of weeks and the digital asset has been able to return to its November 2022 levels. This has been a much-needed boost for the market during this time, but an unexpected investor group is reportedly driving the price of the cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Surges Are Happening During U.S. Hours

У нови Матрикпорт репорт that was shared with NewsBTC via email, U.S. institutional investors are driving the recent price increase of bitcoin. The report notes that over the course of January, the digital asset is already up over 40% but more than 35% of those increases have happened during U.S. trading hours. As such, the research report concludes that U.S. investors are driving the price.

Матрикпорт објашњава разлоге иза овога рекавши да када средство има тако добар учинак током сати у САД, посебно оно које тргује 24 сата, то показује да институционални инвеститори купују имовину. Међутим, када се добро понаша током азијских сати, онда то значи да га купују азијски малопродајни инвеститори.

Bitcoin U.S. institutional investors

BTC moves the most during U.S. trading hours | Source: Matrixport

The most significant movements have happened during this time and the trend lines show very strong similarity to Bitcoin’s movements to this point. But even more interesting is the fact that the data shows that U.S.-based investors are responsible for 85% of the total BTC buying that is happening currently.

Шта покреће ове инвеститоре из САД?

As the Matrixport report notes, U.S.-based investors have been encouraged by the inflation slow-down. It has put individual and institutional investors in positions where they believe they can take more risks. Hence, there is a marked increase in their exposure to risk assets such as bitcoin.

График цена Битцоин (БТЦ) са ТрадингВиев.цом

BTC price rises over 40% in less than 30 days | Source: БТЦУСД на ТрадингВиев.цом

Осим тога, у извештају се указује на могућност још скупова с обзиром на чињеницу да се очекује да ће инфлација наставити да пада. „Ово би могло да подстакне крипто тржиште за раст средином месеца, сваког месеца и да се претвори у тренд у којем видимо снажан раст од средине месеца па надаље са извесном консолидацијом до краја месеца док трговци узимају профит, а рудари продају позиве .”

This is also good news for altcoins as Matrixport notes that historically, money flowing into bitcoin will eventually spread out into other digital assets. So this could mean that the market has not seen the last of the altcoin rally once these institutional investors begin spreading out their investments.

БТЦ се тренутно тргује на 22,959 долара у време писања овог текста. Новчић бележи мале добитке од 0.06% у последња 24 сата, али на седмодневној основи, дигитална имовина и даље добро напредује са порастом од 9.45%.

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Source: https://newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/u-s-institutions-driving-bitcoin-prices/