Упланд и ФИФА званично лансирају ФИФА Светско првенство у Катару 2022™ Искуство у Метаверзу Упланд – Спонзорисане Битцоин вести

  • ФИФА и Упланд договорили су вишегодишње партнерство, почевши од ФИФА Светског првенства у Катару 2022.
  • The first of its kind partnership allows football fans from around the world to get a better understanding of Web3 and how to enjoy and benefit from a gamified metaverse experience
  • Уговор укључује приступ обожаваоцима да поседују колекционарске предмете легендарних видео снимака са ФИФА Светског првенства у Катару 2022. шибице

PALO ALTO, Calif. November 9, 2022 - Брдски and FIFA have today announced a multi-year partnership that allows the Upland community and football fans worldwide to collect, trade, and own FIFA digital assets and game video highlights, pursuing a joint mission to help fans get a better understanding of how the metaverse and web3 work.

Кроз искуство, обожаваоци ће научити како да учествују и допринесу виртуелном окружењу које покреће заједница. Широк спектар активности у Упланду током и између турнира ће подржати напоре у образовању и могућности навијача да подрже свој омиљени национални тим.

Брдски will work with FIFA to create fun, gamified experiences in the largest open metaverse mapped to the real world with over 3 million registered accounts. For FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ a fully constructed replica of the Lusail Stadium alongside a FIFA World Cup™ branded village, shops, and showrooms, will be added to their real-world addresses in Upland which fans can visit virtually.

For FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Брдски also introduces a collection game for the football fans, with a limited number of mystery bundles at multiple rarities available. They include country specific team crests, boots, shirts and historic Official World Cup logos, posters, and mascots so that fans can complete digital collection albums across all thirty-two (32) country teams represented.

Попуњавање колекција ће допринети корисниковом резултату навијача, а они са највећим резултатом ће освојити награде, укључујући, на пример, стадион Лусаил као виртуелну својину у метаверзуму. Остале основне механике игре укључују могућност добијања посебних успомена на овогодишњи турнир; укључујући видео снимке игара које се не могу купити директно од Упланд-а.

There are twenty-two (22) real world cities open in Upland, where fans can start their metaverse journey by acquiring and trading virtual properties that are based on real-world addresses. Fans can now add buildings and prominently display their FIFA World Cup pride in the form of country flags and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 branded outdoor decor items adding more value to the properties themselves. Fans will also have the opportunity to become metaverse entrepreneurs and create shops on their properties to sell their collected assets to other players.

“No other world competition unites countries and people worldwide quite like the FIFA World Cup,” says Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Upland. “We’re excited to create a multi-touch web3 experience showcasing fun, innovation, entrepreneurialism and community as the first of many opportunities in the future of FIFA World Cups, where fans can now collect, own, and share a real moment in history.”

Svetsko prvenstvo u fudbalu journey culminates with the final on December 18, 2022 and as the world celebrates the winner in reality, so too will Upland. Upland will announce its first ever capital city for the winning nation, and the legacy of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 will remain intact in Upland with elements of the metaverse replica of the stadiums, shops, showrooms, and properties given as prizes to fans with the most album collections of digital assets and videos acquired in Upland.

Упланд је доступан за бесплатно преузимање на иОС-у, Андроид-у и вебу и може се играти са било ког места у свету.


Узвишење (https://upland.me/) is an open web3 platform for the metaverse mapped to the real world. The company’s mission is to build one of the leading and most dynamic maker-communities through a strong entrepreneur economy that allows players, creators, developers, and brands to manufacture goods and experiences, monetize assets, and provide utility and fun to other players. Headquartered in Silicon Valley with hubs in Las Vegas, Ukraine, and Brazil, Upland was named among Fast Company’s “Next Big Things in Tech” in 2021 and one of “22 San Francisco Startups To Watch in 2022” by Built In SF. Upland is committed to becoming carbon negative and is a proud partner of Carbonfuture. For more information about our sustainability commitment visit https://www.upland.me/sustainability. Брдски is available on iOS, Android and the Web, and can be played from anywhere in the world.


ФИФА постоји да управља фудбалом и да развија игру широм света. Од 2016. године, организација се брзо развија у тело које може ефикасније да служи нашој игри за добробит целог света.


Lindsay Anne Aamodt, Upland – [емаил заштићен]





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Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/upland-and-fifa-officially-launch-the-fifa-world-cup-qatar-2022-experience-in-the-upland-metaverse/