Амерички потрошачи верују да ће биткоин (БТЦ) пасти на нове падове на тржишту након колапса ФТКС-а: ново истраживање

A new survey says US consumers believe the high-profile implosion of FTX will drive Bitcoin (BTC) prices to new lows amid the enduring bear market.

Business intelligence firm Morning Consult conducted the survey with a sample size of between 2,200 to 4,400 US adults from November 15th to 17th, a few days after the collapse of FTX.

According to the survey, US consumers Веровати that Bitcoin will drop to $11,526 in six months in the wake of the FTX bankruptcy, suggesting a potential decline of over 32% from BTC’s current value of $17,046.

Morning Consult also says that the current prediction of US consumers is $5,600 lower than the result of the same study conducted in October this year and cheaper by over $15,500 when they ran the research in January.

Says Morning Consult,

“News has clearly shaken consumers’ faith in the most prominent cryptocurrency’s value.” 

While all US adults believe that Bitcoin will significantly fall in the coming months, crypto owners are “slightly more optimistic,” according to the study. Crypto owners who participated in the poll predict that BTC would rise to $17,503.

According to Morning Consult, crypto owners’ price predictions have been significantly higher than the pulse of the general population and more in touch with BTC’s current value.

Извор: Морнинг Цонсулт

The study also reveals that only 38% of US consumers believe that digital assets will likely stick around in the next decade while 74% of crypto owners think crypto will likely survive in the next 10 years.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/tykcartoon/Nikelser Kate

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/06/us-consumers-believe-bitcoin-btc-will-drop-to-new-bear-market-lows-in-aftermath-of-ftx-collapse-new-survey/