Да ли ће НФТ на Битцоин-у подржати раст заједнице?

The debate about NFTs on Bitcoin is heating up. The community is divided over whether Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) will fit into the Bitcoin network.

Ethereum, the most used блоцкцхаин network among altcoins, shaped the web3 ecosystem. Ethereum paved the way for blockchain utilities like DeFi, NFTs and smart contracts.

Bitcoin is well known for its immutability, security and decentralization. Developers are working to introduce Ethereum-like utilities on Bitcoin.

On Jan 21, Casey Rodarmor, a Bitcoin developer, announced inscriptions and NFTs on Bitcoin. He tweeted, “Inscriptions are already really cool! They are fully on chain, with content stored in transaction witness.”

Према посту на блогу, ови дигитални артефакти могу да садрже ЈПЕГ слике, ПДФ-ове и аудио формате.

Дебата око НФТ-а о Битцоин-у

Аргумент за НФТ протокол на главној мрежи Битцоин је да ће дигитални артефакти кредитирати економски раст за Битцоин и повећати потражњу за простором блокова. Насупрот томе, неки кажу да је то против креатора Битцоина, визије Сатошија Накамота о пеер-то-пеер готовинском систему.

Dan Held, Bitcoin educator and marketing advisor, tweeted, “Bitcoin is permissionless. Can’t stop anyone from building it anyway.” He said NFTs on Bitcoin will help to bring more financial support to Bitcoin and “drives more demand for block space.”

Adam Back, Bitcoin core developer and Blockstream CEO, was unsatisfied with the new changes trying to introduce on Bitcoin. He tweeted, “Bitcoin is designed to be censor resistant. Otherwise it’s another proof of block-space thingy.”

Bitcoin lost its green streak in the past 24 hours

According to CoinMarketCap, the total крипто market value has been $57.30 billion over the last 24 hours, which makes a 14.34% increase. At press time, the dominance of Bitcoin was 42.37%, a decrease of 0.14%.

Over the past few weeks, Bitcoin experienced a 10% growth rate in its value. On January 31, the BTC market opened at $22,879 and fell by 3.39% in the past 24 hours. It has increased by more than 1.5% from the past week. Ethereum is currently trading at $1570.47, down by 3.65% in the last 24 hrs.

Према извештају ИнтоТхеБлоцк, цена биткоина у првом месецу 2023. године је профитирала 64% Битцоин инвеститора.

Недавно је друга највећа инвестициона банка Голдман Сацхс назвала биткоин „најбољом имовином на свету 2023. године“.

Нанци Ј. Аллен
Најновији постови Нанци Ј. Аллен (види све)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/31/will-nfts-on-bitcoin-support-the-community-growth/