5 блокчејн игара које можете играти и зарадити ове недеље

Play And Earn Games: The gaming industry has developed beyond pay-to-play and free-to-play games to include games that allow players to earn cryptocurrency while playing. However, the native tokens supporting game economies can be found in these special games. With these in-game currencies, users can trade, buy, sell, and play. Блоцкцхаин технологија is used in the play to earn games to give players the opportunity to earn цриптоцурренци rewards for their skill and effort.

Here are 5 Blockchain Games to Play and Earn This Week

It’s not shocking that играње за зараду has taken over the cryptocurrency world. Here are the top 5 play-to-earn games of the week:

  1. Песковник
  2. Звездан атлас
  3. Децентралан
  4. Акие Инфинити
  5. Моја комшиница Алице

1. Пешчаник

One of the top blockchain games for creative people to earn money is The Sandbox. An open-world game powered by Ethereum was created as Песковник. Since then, the game has switched to Polygon’s layer 2, primarily to decrease its carbon footprint and fees, and increase speed. The game most resembles роблок or Minecraft, and it is a well-known ГамеФи crypto token project. In the social center, users can create their own games, worlds, and adventures. The most valuable resource in the Sandbox is LAND. Each LAND is an NFT that represents virtual land ownership.

2. Звездани атлас

Звездан атлас is redefining what a play-to-earn game can be thanks to its robust метаверзум. It is based on blockchain technology. However, the Solana protocol enables a mostly serverless and secure gaming experience. The year 2620 is the setting for this multiplayer online game. In the game, an alliance of extraterrestrial species, sentient robots, and humans are the three main groups that have emerged and are competing for resources. Deflationary mechanics are incorporated into the game, whereby resources used to produce objects are destroyed when a new one is created.

3. Децентралланд

Децентралан is a virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain in which players can earn NFTs by playing.  In the Decentraland universe, various businesses are opening shops and selling land as НФТ. This includes companies like Samsung, DKNY, Selfridges, and even sportswear companies like Sketchers. However, in Decentraland, players can try to make money by buying MANA tokens and hoping that the value will rise or by buying LAND, which is represented by NFT plots. It is one of the best play-to-earn games.

4. Акие Инфинити

Акие Инфинити allows players to control and run a portion of the game. This game was inspired by Nintendo’s Pokémon franchise. Players can acquire AXS tokens by participating in the game. Also, they can then use these tokens to change the course of the game. Players will gather creatures during gameplay and engage them in combat. However, players will receive cryptocurrency tokens as compensation for killing monsters and finishing tasks. Players will own Axie NFTs, and they will be able to resell them hope for a profit. The game runs on the Ethereum blockchain using Ronin, a sidechain that aids in lowering transaction costs and latency.

5. Моја комшиница Алиса

Моја комшиница Алице is a well-designed animated world where players can farm, fish, socialize, and keep bees, among other things. However, in order to enter Alice World, players must first purchase a plot of land, the cheapest of which is 247 ALICE ($260). After the initial purchase, it’s just a matter of living and taking care of daily tasks. But being a good neighbor and assisting Alice with her tasks is the key to earning rewards. Players receive rewards from this, which players can trade for things that can use on players’ lands. However, players looking for casual blockchain gaming with the knowledge to take part in this realistic simulation are the target audience.

Такође читајте: Да ли је ЦхатГПТ нови Гоогле? Како крипто трговци могу имати користи од тога

ЦоинГапе се састоји од искусног тима домаћих писаца садржаја и уредника који раде даноноћно како би покривали вести широм света и представили вести као чињеницу, а не као мишљење. ЦоинГапе писци и новинари допринели су овом чланку.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/5-blockchain-games-to-play-and-earn-this-week/