Браве сада подржава Цело Блоцкцхаин и Даппс

The decentralized, EVM-compatible, PoS platform Celo is now accessible to over 59 million Brave users around the world

САН ФРАНЦИСЦО– (ПОСЛОВНА ЖИЦА) -Цело, the carbon-negative, mobile-first, layer-1 platform is now accessible with Храбар, a crypto industry leader with 59+ million browser users and built-in Brave Wallets to provide greater global financial inclusivity and access to Web3 tools.

Aligned with Celo’s mission to create the conditions of prosperity for all, the integration of Celo on Brave following it’s v1.40 release allows users to engage with Mento stable assets (including cUSD, cEUR, cREAL) through self-custodial Brave Wallets, as well as with Celo’s diverse ecosystem of purpose-driven, decentralized applications (dapps) accessible through Brave Browser, like Убесвап, Моола, ИмпацтМаркет or Цибербок.

Celo Foundation President and Celo Co-Founder, Rene Reinsberg says, “We are excited to welcome Brave to the Celo ecosystem. With its global user base and seamless experience for using dapps directly from the Brave browser and signing transactions with the integrated Brave wallet, people everywhere can more easily participate in the emerging Web3 digital economy.”

The partnership furthers Celo’s core value to bring Web3 to every mobile device, such as a consensus protocol and light client that uses cutting-edge cryptography techniques (zk-SNARKS) to help users sync with the P2P network with only a few kilobytes of data, mapping encrypted phone numbers to wallet addresses, or accessing Celo’s ecosystem of dapps via low-powered smartphone devices; it also supports the growth of Celo as the “home of ReFi” (regenerative finance) and an expanding community of mission-aligned founders and builders.

О Целу

Цело је угљен-негативан, без дозволе, слој-1 протокол са богатим екосистемом глобалних партнера који граде иновативне Веб3 апликације у ДеФи, РеФи и НФТ секторима на Цело-у. Доступан свима који имају мобилни телефон, Цело екосистем се састоји од децентрализованог, прооф-оф-стаке блоцкцхаин технологије стека (Протокол Цело), ​​матичног токена ЦЕЛО и неколико Менто стабилних средстава (цУСД, цЕУР, цРЕАЛ) која омогућавају било коме да користе дигитална средства попут валуте. Покренута на Дан планете Земље 2020. године, мрежа отвореног кода Цело сада подржава 1000+ пројеката које су креирали програмери и уметници широм света.

Абоут Браве

Brave Software’s fast, privacy-oriented browser, combined with its blockchain-based digital advertising platform, is reinventing the Web for users, publishers, and advertisers. Users get a private, speedier Web experience with much longer battery life, publishers increase their revenue share, and advertisers achieve better conversion. Users can opt into privacy-respecting ads that reward them with the Basic Attention Token (BAT), a frequent flyer-like token they can redeem or use to tip or contribute to publishers and other content creators. The Brave solution is a win-win for everyone who has a stake in the open Web and who is weary of giving up privacy and revenue to the ad-tech intermediaries. Brave currently has 60 million monthly active users and over 1.5 million Verified Publishers. Brave Software was co-founded by Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla (Firefox), and Brian Bondy, formerly of Khan Academy and Mozilla.


[емаил заштићен]

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/brave-now-supports-celo-blockchain-and-dapps/