Прво децентрализовано складиште података, простор и време, прикупило је 10 милиона долара за почетак рунде предвођено Фрамеворк Вентурес

Los Angeles, United States, 28th July, 2022, Chainwire

As the DeFi & GameFi sectors grow, Space and Time aims to be the first truly decentralized solution for rapid and secure data processing at enterprise scale

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Простор и време TM, a decentralized data platform for blockchain applications, has raised $10 million in a seed round led by Framework Ventures, a venture capital firm known for its early entry into decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain gaming (GameFi). Additional participants in the round include Digital Currency Group (DCG), Stratos, SamsungNext, IOSG Ventures, Alliance and several market leading DeFi, GameFi, and venture organizations.

With a novel, patent-pending cryptographic protocol dubbed Proof of SQLTM, Space and Time enables blockchain applications to rapidly generate rich, analytical insights in an entirely decentralized, scalable, and secure manner. A network of node operators pull data from blockchains, decentralized applications (dApp), and off-chain systems in order to perform operational and analytic computations. As a result, blockchains are supplemented with capabilities for querying both on-chain and off-chain data in a single, trustless environment to power advanced new use cases for smart contracts.

Space and Time’s database creates proofs of the query results off-chain and transmits them to a validation layer where they are verified to be true. Once validated, the data is loaded back on-chain to the smart contracts where the dApp can access the results in real time. By moving the bulk of computational work off-chain, and enabling on and off-chain data to be combined in analytic workloads, Space and Time allows the existing blockchain infrastructure to scale exponentially while trustlessly maintaining computation integrity.

"As the Web3 business process and automation matures, developers and applications require advanced database computations to connect off-chain analytics directly to smart contracts,” said Nate Holiday, co-founder of Space and Time. “However, scalability in the current blockchain ecosystem makes on-chain analytics impossible, and existing centralized analytic platforms fail to generate secure, tamper-proof results. By coupling off-chain computation with a decentralized and cryptographically-guaranteed data process, Space and Time will securely power the next-generation data requirements for dApp developers and enterprises.”

Средства из овог круга ће се користити за наставак ширења инжењеринга простора и времена и даље унапређење аналитичких могућности платформе и децентрализоване мреже.

"Because many dApps still rely on centralized databases to store and compute large amounts of complex data, most DeFi and GameFi platforms are not fully decentralized,” said Michael Anderson, Co-Founder of Framework Ventures. “Као прва платформа за податке која нуди потпуно децентрализовано решење за аналитику на нивоу предузећа у реалном времену, Спаце анд Тиме се заиста обавезује на то да основни етос блоцкцхаина буде транспарентан и отворен систем. Одушевљени смо што подржавамо тим за простор и време док развијају прво скалабилно и безбедно решење за аналитику за следећу генерацију ДеФи апликација.”

Incubated as part of Chainlink Labs’ Startup with Chainlink program, Space and Time is a decentralized data platform that uses Chainlink to combine on-chain and off-chain data to bring expanded, enterprise-grade use cases to smart contract applications.

"Congratulations to the Space and Time team for their successful seed round raise, which includes investments from a number of industry-leading firms,” stated David Post, Managing Director, Corporate Development and Strategy at Chainlink Labs. “Through its novel data processing and cryptographic proof technologies, Space and Time’s decentralized database will help scale the blockchain ecosystem and unlock more advanced smart contract use cases".

To learn more, visit https://www.spaceandtime.io/ and follow the team on Twitter @SpaceandTimeDB.

О простору и времену

Space and Time is the first decentralized data warehouse for blockchain applications. Using cryptographic proof technology, Space and Time empowers decentralized applications (dApps) to deliver low-latency queries and enterprise scale analytics in an entirely trustless and blockchain-secure manner.

To learn more, visit https://www.spaceandtime.io/ and follow the team on Twitter @SpaceandTimeDB.

О Фрамеворк Вентурес-у

Framework is a team of technologists, researchers and investors who buy assets of, who build for, and who participate in open crypto networks. At its core, Framework is a technology company, building products and services to support the open blockchain networks that they invest in. Through its registered investment adviser, Framework Ventures Management LLC (“Framework Ventures”), the firm has backed dozens of notable companies in the decentralized finance and Web3 space.

To learn more, visit https://framework.ventures.

О Цхаинлинк Лабс

Цхаинлинк је индустријски стандард за изградњу, приступ и продају орацле услуга потребних за снабдевање хибридних паметних уговора на било ком блоцкцхаину. Орацле мреже Цхаинлинк пружају паметне уговоре са начином да се поуздано повежу са било којим спољним АПИ-јем и искористе сигурна рачунања ван ланца за омогућавање апликација богатих функцијама. Цхаинлинк тренутно осигурава десетине милијарди долара у ДеФи -ју, осигурању, играма и другим великим индустријама, а глобалним предузећима и водећим добављачима података нуди универзални пролаз до свих блокова.

Сазнајте више о Цхаинлинк-у тако што ћете посетити цхаин.линк или прочитати документацију за програмере на доцс.цхаин.линк. Да бисте разговарали о интеграцији, обратите се стручњаку.

Одрицање одговорности: Ово није инвестициони савет и читаоци не би требало да тумаче дискусију о било којој одређеној организацији као препоруку за куповину или продају, или тражење понуде за куповину или продају било којих хартија од вредности или дигиталне имовине у вези са таквом организацијом.


Space and Time Team, [емаил заштићен]

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Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/07/28/first-decentralized-data-warehouse-space-and-time-raises-10m-seed-round-led-by-framework-ventures/