Глобални Блоцкцхаин конгрес Агора Гроуп долази у Вијетнам! 

Agora Group in Dubai and V2B Labs are joining hands to announce that after 9 successful editions of the Глобал Блоцкцхаин Цонгресс in Dubai, this exclusive event will now go international with the East Asian edition of the congress taking place in Hanoi, Vietnam at the Intercontinental Landmark Hotel, on July 11 and 12, 2022. 

Vietnam Blockchain Union &D.Lion will also be co-hosts of the inaugural Southeast Asian edition of the event.

The Global Blockchain Congress will feature more than 60 speakers, 100 investors, 20 sponsors, 40 media partners, and more than 250 delegates. The event is a closed-door, exclusive congress that can be attended by invitation only and is targeted towards Metaverse, Gaming, дефи, and NFTs projects looking to raise funds.

The first nine editions of the Global Blockchain congress took place in Dubai and this is the first time that the event will be hosted outside of the UAE. This congress boasts a tremendous track record and success rate where we had hosted more than 1000 investors and more than 250 blockchain startups and were able to raise Millions in funds for our participating projects.

This event will сидро Vietnam’s position as a leading adaptor of crypto and a central hub for global innovation. By bringing international investors to the country and showcasing Vietnamese startups and talent, the event will significantly attract foreign direct investment and media exposure to the country.

The Global Blockchain Congress aims to significantly contribute to the advancement of blockchain technology in the world by providing a unique platform that will connect Regulators, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Government Officials, and Disruptors in a cutting-edge conference agenda.

We are expecting more than 300 delegates at the event, all of them are senior-level decision-makers in the blockchain industry from all over the world.

2021 је била а звездани year for Crypto and Digital Assets Investments.

Укупан износ који су прикупиле компаније у крипто индустрији порастао је за скоро 8 пута у 2021. и достигао рекордних 34 милијарде долара – што је више од износа из свих претходних година заједно. Заједно са прикупљеним износом, покренуто је преко 49 нових фондова фокусираних на криптовалуте током године, што је помогло да се оствари знатно више послова прикупљања средстава.

In terms of deal value, 2021 was a significant year for capital raising in the crypto market – growing more than 7x compared to 2020. This can be attributed to both crypto prices rallying during the year creating substantial interest and continued mass-market adoption of cryptocurrencies – spearheaded by NFTs in 2021.

The Global Blockchain Congress is NOT a regular conference or an Exhibition. It is an exclusive, closed-door platform for Blockchain projects to meet, face to face, and through pre-arranged and pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings, investors, and secure funds.

Blockchain Projects will be meeting more than 100 pre-qualified, hand-picked institutional investors, High-Net-Worth Individuals, and Family Conglomerates from all over the world who are looking for new investment opportunities and hungry to meet with you, and are keen to invest in the Blockchain & Digital Asset space specifically.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/global-blockchain-congress-by-agora-group-is-coming-to-vietnam/