Глобални Блоцкцхаин конгрес Агора групе биће одржан од 11. до 12. јула

Прво издање Југоисточне Азије проминент Глобал Блоцкцхаин Цонгресс by Agora Group was co-hosted by Vietnam Blockchain Union, V2B Labs, and D.lion on July 11 and 12, 2022 at the Intercontinental Landmark72 Hanoi, Vietnam.

Главне теме овог издања биле су: Вијетнам, Земља могућности, Веб3 платформе, Метаверсе, игре и НФТ.

The event had a great lineup of speakers including the opening Keynote Address by Nguyen Minh Hong, President, VDCA & Former Deputy Minister of Information & Communications.

Глобални Блоцкцхаин конгрес има за циљ да значајно допринесе напретку блоцкцхаин технологије у свету пружањем јединствене платформе за повезивање неких од најутицајнијих лидера блоцкцхаин-а у Вијетнаму. И тако, дневни ред конференције се фокусирао на учвршћивање позиције Вијетнама као водећег адаптера криптовалута и централног центра за глобалне иновације.

The first SouthEast Asia edition Global Blockchain Congress featured more than 60 speakers, 100 investors, 20 sponsors, 20 media partners, and more than 300 delegates. There were more than 300 one on one meetings conducted between investors and blockchain startups during the two-day event.

At the end of the two-day congress, took place The Global Blockchain Congress Awards Ceremony. The winners were voted by the investors depending on the likelihood of their project getting funded. First place was won by PraSaga followed by BKSBackstage and Creo Engine respectively.

Веома смо поносни што смо имали Прасагу као глобалног насловног спонзора и спонзора пријема коктела, а Фигхт оф Тхе Агес (ФОТА) као насловног спонзора и спонзора гала вечере.

Такође посебно издвајамо наше:

Златни спонзори: АРС Цорпс, Црео Енгине, Роостер Варс, Отворени ланац исхране

Сребрни спонзор: Ангрималс, Битслицед, Сазмининг, Сеоул Старс, Паифоот

Бронзани спонзори: ЦрипЦаде, Силверлигхт, МетаДОС, СофиНФТ, ТароВерсе

The event was a closed-door, exclusive congress that was attended by invitation only. Agora hosted more than 100 investors and 20 Sponsors (Metaverse, Gaming, дефи, and NFTs projects looking to raise funds).

The first Global Blockchain Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam was powered by the previous 9 editions in Dubai, UAE with tremendous successes in a total of more than 1000 investors and 200 blockchain startups, and were able to raise millions in funds for our participating startups.

Agora Group is very excited to announce that the 10th edition of the Global Blockchain Congress in Dubai will be taking place on November 23 and 24. Stay tuned!

“Our experience with Agora was exceptional. Every promise exceeded, every opportunity to engage with the right funds exploited. But the real key was that it was all so well curated,” said Jay Moore, Prasaga, Co-Founder & Chief Collaboration O­fficer.

He added, “Having done so many of these events I have never had such a high hit rate! Of the 22 funds, we spoke to we had 20 with a strong fit. The dinner was a hit and the time we enjoyed in the Cleopatra Suite will create lifelong relationships.”

Одрицање од одговорности

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/global-blockchain-congress-by-agora-group-to-be-held-on-july-11-12/