Хуоби инкубатор најављује стратешко спонзорство са Аваланцхе-ом, потврђује посвећеност стартапима на блокчејну

[САОПШТЕЊЕ ЗА ЈАВНОСТ - Молимо прочитајте одрицање одговорности]

Huobi Incubator, the project incubation arm of Huobi Group, today announced that it will start a basket of sponsoring plans for Avalanche ecosystem to jointly incubate emerging projects, with the aim to support and enhance the blockchain startup ecosystem.

Huobi Incubator will also sponsor the Avalanche Asia Hackathon, to be held from 1 Feb 2022 to 31 Mar 2022. Winning projects and developers that emerge from the hackathon will have the opportunity to reap the benefits of winning a total of $5 million from the prize pool. Since its inception, Huobi Incubator has been committed to incubating start-up projects, helping budding projects develop into mature, independent companies. Huobi Incubator hopes its support of new projects will spur the spirit of innovation within the blockchain industry and provide a platform for budding developers to realize their full potential.

Avalanche Asia Hackathon invites developers to build powerful dApps in the Avalanche ecosystem. Huobi Incubator will provide a full range of support for hackathon winners, including technical expertise and marketing assistance. In addition, two winning projects will be awarded a chance to be listed on Huobi Primelist, Huobi’s listing platform for new tokens. Winning NFT projects will also be supported in their bid to successfully list their creations on NFT marketplaces.

Since its launch, Avalanche has attracted widespread attention in the blockchain industry with its strong technical strength and excellent productivity. Avalanche has been supporting the development of emerging projects. According to DappRadar data, more than 160 projects have been deployed on Avalanche.

The upcoming hackathon marks the beginning of a strong collaboration between Huobi Incubator and Avalanche ecosystem, which will see the burgeoning blockchain startup ecosystem achieve new heights in an already vibrant industry. Huobi Incubator will also work with AVATAR (Avalanche Asia Star Fund), an independent venture fund formed by leading Asia VCs, to incubate emerging projects and contribute to the growth of the blockchain ecosystem.

“Huobi Incubator takes project development and ecosystem expansion very seriously. This supporting plan for the Avalanche ecosystem is but one aspect of our commitment to the startup ecosystem,” said Jewel Chen, Head of Huobi Incubator “Next, we intend to collaborate with other public chains to further spur innovation in this exciting space.”

О Хуоби инкубатору

Хуоби Инцубатор је професионални пројектни инкубатор пуног циклуса који интегрише истраживање индустрије са инвестиционим фондовима, процесима инкубације и акцелераторима. Са мисијом да убрза развој стартап пројеката у свим фазама и корисницима, Хуоби Инцубатор помаже предузетницима и стартапима да превазиђу препреке, остваре брз раст и раде ка својим визијама и циљевима.

О лавини

Аваланцхе је најбржа платформа за паметне уговоре у блокчејн индустрији, мерено временом до финалности, и има највише валидатора који обезбеђују његову активност од било ког протокола доказивања улога. Лавина је невероватно брза, јефтина и зелена. Свака апликација са омогућеним паметним уговором може надмашити своју конкуренцију постављањем на Аваланцхе. Не верујете у то? Пробајте Аваланцхе данас.

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Source: https://cryptopotato.com/huobi-incubator-announces-strategic-sponsorship-with-avalanche-affirms-commitment-to-blockchain-startups/