ЛаиерЗеро: Побољшање интероперабилности блокчејна

19. мај 2022, 1:38 ЕДТ

• 10 минута читања

Брзо узми

  • Layer 0s have typically been used to scale existing Layer 1 blockchains
  • LayerZero, a cross-chain interoperability protocol, has an L0 architecture as well, hence its name
  • Given the recent rise of L0s, a formal definition of them has yet to be established across the industry, resulting in slightly varied definitions across various contexts
  • LayerZero has built a series of cross-chain endpoints that essentially allows it to function as a messaging fabric under the existing L1s
  • The definition of L0s is likely to still be refined slightly over time, though the utility it currently provides and will eventually provide is definitely going to be an integral part of the crypto landscape

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Source: https://www.theblockresearch.com/layerzero-enhancing-blockchain-interoperability-144690?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss