Макеров децентрализовани стабилцоин долази у Цосмос захваљујући Умее-у

Следећи Terra’s $40 billion implosion last month, the Космос ecosystem is on the hunt for a new decentralized стаблецоин

Today, the team at cross-chain protocol Umee announced DAI will be filling that gap. 

“The UST collapse made it absolutely clear that the Cosmos ecosystem needs a robust, safe stablecoin,” Umee’s CEO Brent Xu told Дешифрирај. “Looking ahead, Umee’s broader mission includes creating cross-chain stablecoins and adding Cosmos assets to MakerDAO.” 

Unlike Terra’s UST, DAI is an overcollateralized stablecoin with a market capitalization of $6.9 billion. It’s still magnitudes smaller than market leader Tether (USDT), but it’s also built a whole lot differently. 

In order to mint, for example, $1 of DAI, you need to deposit up to $1.75 in Ethereum. A host of other cryptocurrencies are also eligible to be used as collateral, including Замотани Битцоин (WBTC), Унисвап (УНИ), Полигон (MATIC), and others. 

Each collateral asset carries its own “minimum collateral ratio,” too, which dictates how much of said asset you need to put up to mint DAI. 

Дата контролна табла ДАИ Статс указује да је најпопуларнији колатерал за ковање Мејкеровог стабилног новца Цирцле-ов USDC. This dominance has also повучена критика to DAI’s claim of being a “decentralized” stablecoin, given how centralized USDC is.

Извор: ДАИ Статс.

DAI is already integrated with over 20 different crypto networks, including солана, Фантом, and Polygon, according to ДеФи Ллама

What is Umee?

Though users will technically be leveraging Гравитациони мост, a connector between Cosmos and EVM-compatible blockchains, for their DAI transfers, Xu claims Umee is much more than just a bridge protocol.

“Other protocols use bridges to create wrapped assets—essentially a quantity of a blockchain’s native currency equivalent to the non-native asset. Umee is unlike these protocols,” he told Дешифрирај. 'Instead of building a bridge, we allow users to lend and collateralize, without creating any additional wrapped assets, to get exposure and participate in another ecosystem.”.

In plain terms, this means Umee is building out a tool that would let users lend and borrow typically non-compatible cryptocurrencies.

The idea has earned the attention of several notable investment groups too. 

Last June, Umee слетео $6.3 million in backing from Цоинбасе Ventures, Polychain, and others.

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Source: https://decrypt.co/102307/maker-decentralized-stablecoin-coming-cosmos-umee