Медиевал Емпирес предводи еволуцију Блоцкцхаин Гаминг Цонверс…

Dubai, 12th October, 2022:  The Средњевековне империје team explored the evolution of Blockchain Gaming at a panel moderated by Ersoy Erkazanci од Bloomberg HT на Будући самит Блоцкцхаин-а. Догађај су организовали ГИТЕКС (the world’s largest tech show) on the 12th of October.

The panel consisted of the founder of Medieval Empires, Ассад Дар, Angel investor Carl “The Moon” and the face of Ertugrul in the game, Engin Altan Düzyatan to discuss the role of Medieval Empires in the Evolution of Blockchain Gaming. They spoke on the rapid advancement of the gaming industry due to the investment in blockchain technology. This is where Medieval Empires stands out – introducing an online blockchain-based strategy game.

“The best part about this game is the concept of “Play and Own”. Your assets in the game are actually YOUR assets, with a real value. I think this will give players more incentive to play and be more involved in this world of Medieval Empires,” said Engin Altan.

Carl’s expertise within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry inspired the team behind the game to take a unique approach to blockchain game development, prioritizing ethics and sustainability in their blockchain selection. The team also intently works towards mainstream adoption by incorporating immersive gameplay elements.

When describing Medieval Empires to the audience, Assad Dar highlighted: “It is a strategy game with the potential to disrupt the world of blockchain gaming. Since we partnered with Polygon Studios, it has opened ways for our game to pioneer into giving back to the community”.

Additionally, Medieval Empires offer a “Free 2 Play and Own” model, where players have the right to ownership of their in-game assets through gameplay. With their trailblazing approach, Medieval Empires is undoubtedly one to watch in the blockchain gaming space.

About Medieval Empires

Medieval Empires is a multi-player online strategy-based game that is set during the late

13th century in an area that is now Turkey. The game’s initial storyline focuses on Ertuğrul Gazi, a tribal warrior and a celebrated leader of the Kayi tribe, played by the famous actor Engin Altan Düzyatan.

The game is set in a passive PvE area and allows the players to explore and build towns while trading, fighting, and forging alliances. To learn more about Medieval Empires, visit:

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About Future Blockchain Summit

The world’s leading and largest government hosted Blockchain festival, Future Blockchain Summit is back for a third edition hosted by Smart Dubai at Dubai World Trade Center. The city of Dubai is mandated to have all government transactions on the blockchain and will be the world’s blockchain capital. Future Blockchain Summit is the official Blockchain event of Smart Dubai, the driving force behind the UAE’s Blockchain Strategy and is bringing together global enterprises, blockchain startups and government entities at the summit to make this dream a reality.

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/10/medieval-empires-leads-the-evolution-of-blockchain-gaming-conversation-at-future-blockchain-summit