Метаверсе, поремећај Веб 3.0 и унапређење блокчејна биће дискутовано на МетаВеек-у у Дубаију

The MetaWeek conference will take place on September 11-14, 2022. Thousands of web 3.0  enthusiasts and thought leaders from all over the world will convene in Dubai to set the future  trends of metaverse applications. 

After huge success in launching the first MetaWeek in early March 2022, NexChange Group  presents the second edition of the large-scale international event, taking place September 11 to  14, 2022 у Дубаи. 

As one of the world’s leading proponents in using cutting edge tech like блоцкцхаин and Metaverse  tools, Dubai has been accumulating regional efforts in the digital economy development and  Metaverse adoption, with the implementation of the Dubai Metaverse Strategy and The Higher  Committee for Future Technology and Digital Economy launched just recently. The strategy aims  to increase the contribution of the Metaverse sector to the Emirate’s economy to $4 billion and to  create 40,000 virtual jobs by 2030. 

Jason Luo, CEO of BitForex: “Although we are in a period of uncertainty for the digital assets  market, there are challenges and opportunities. The great potential of the industry and huge  demands and interests coming from our users and investors towards digital assets and the  financial industry are still exciting. BitForex has been committed to providing a convenient and  diverse environment to welcome the next bullish market.” 

Догађај који траје недељу дана ће кулминирати а 2-day MetaWeek Summit, set for Септембар КСНУМКС-КСНУМКС, taking  place at the Grand Hyatt Dubai hotel. From regulatory efforts towards Web 3.0, to digital asset  market trends, to gaming ecosystems, to digitisation of corporate infrastructures, to investment  strategies, to DAOs and NFTs utilities and marketing – dozens of themes related to the world of  Web 3.0 and Metaverse will be thoroughly discussed at the summit’s agenda. 

“Metaweek proved to be very beneficial to pax.world after our attendance earlier this year where  we went on to build multiple priceless partnerships and win Metaverse of the Year in Dubai” каже  Frank Fitzgerald, Founder of pax.world. “We believe the Metaverse is not only for fun and  business, but community building and education. Metaweek also represents this along with our  mutual desire to make the Metaverse open for everyone. This is all why it was easy to say yes  when they asked if we’d join them again in September.”

Tapping into new larger audiences is one of the best ways for world known brands from various  sectors to benefit from entering the world of Metaverse. New communities and myriads of ways  to interact with them define the virtual realms and spark more interest from luxury fashions brands,  tech giants and smaller businesses. 

George Paliani, CEO of CoinsPaid Media: 

“Many types of blockchain projects avoid the word “media” and call themselves decentralized  autonomous organizations (DAOs), communities or other variants. However, blockchain media has a number of advantages. Such projects can show the way with features that support Web 3.  Now we have the opportunity to speak the same language with a new generation.” 

Piers Dunhill, Founder, Dunhill Ventures: "The investment interest in Metaverse and Web 3.0  solutions from corporate entities and private offices and funds from all over the world has been  increasing exponentially over the last months. It shows that Metaverse has become extremely  valuable. It opens up many possibilities for the venture capital flow, giving a change for Metaverse  to become reality.” 

The Summit’s agenda will feature 100+ world’s most famous experts on Web 3.0 and blockchain development. Speakers who will rock the stage at the MetaWeek Summit: 

● Yat Siu, Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, Animoca Brands, Founder & CEO, Outblaze ● Daniela Barbosa, Executive Director, Hyperledger Foundation; General Manager  Blockchain, Healthcare and Identity, Linux Foundation 

● Dr Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council of the Emirates, Rabbi, Association of Gulf  Jewish Communities 

● Lewis Neal, CEO, Kryptic, Former NFL Player 

● Erik Weir, Principal, WCM Global Wealth 

● Ницк Спанос, Битцоин Пионеер 

● Dr Michaela Ulieru, Strategic Impact Leader, IOHK 

● Sanmeet Singh Kochhar, Vice President, HMD Global MENA & India (Home of Nokia  Phones, exclusive manufacturer of Nokia phones and tablets globally) 

● Susan Oh, CMO of Earn.games 

● Dr Mohamed Al Hemairy, Head, Technology Transfer Office, University of Sharjah ● Kapil Dhiman, Chief of Staff & Web 3.0 Lead, PwC India 

Themes that will be covered at the MetaWeek Summit include: 

● Корпоративна структура за глатку транзицију у метаверзум 

● Ток дигиталних валута у метаверзуму и улога АлтЦоина 

● Move2Earn, Re-Imagining Fitness & Bridging the Metaverse 

● Циљеви одрживог развоја за Метаверсе

● Друштвени утицај: Постављање темпа за бољу будућност 

● Трендови игара и ГамеФи 

● Фигитализам: Како уметници напредују у Метаверзуму 

● ДАО и успешни модели управљања 

● НФТсатион за брендове: од колекционарских предмета до маркетиншких алата 

● Приватност података и управљање великим подацима: Како ће се управљати подацима у метаверзовима 

НекЦханге Гроуп is a venture builder and media platform specializing in Blockchain,  Metaverse, FinTech, HealthTech, AI, and Smart Cities.  For more information on the registration, speakers, agenda and partnerships, please visit https://www.themetaweek.com или контактирајте: [емаил заштићен]

Одрицање од одговорности. Ово је плаћено саопштење за јавност. Читаоци треба да обаве сопствену дужну пажњу пре предузимања било каквих радњи у вези са промовисаном компанијом или било којом од њених филијала или услуга. Цриптополитан.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно узрокован коришћењем или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/metaverse-web-3-0-disruption-and-blockchain-advancement-to-be-discussed-at-metaweek-in-dubai/