Мицрософт даје одобрење за игру СтарХероес базирану на блокчејну Веб3

У чему би се многи сложили је револуционарно достигнуће, СтарХероес недавно је добио Мицрософт грант. Као резултат тога, игра заснована на блокчејну сада има приступ Азуре ПлаиФаб-у, придружујући се легендарној колекцији игара као што су Форза Хоризон, Сеа оф Тхиевес и Том Цланци'с Раинбов Сик Сиеге.

This grant is also indicative of the change in the attitude of major companies as an increasing number of institutional businesses, firms, and large-scale organizations have continuously expressed a fundamental interest in incorporating blockchain technology into their daily routines, services, products, and features. This is also the very first time that a Web3 game has been given such a grant by a major corporation like Microsoft making it a historic partnership.

Шта издваја СтарХероес?

As you can discover, StarHeroes is a third-person space shooter that features dynamic space battles in a fairly large world open to players for exploration and combat in two different multiplayer modes: ranking and adventure. The production also represents the Web3-based Play and Earn model, i.e., the one that allows players to earn real money in return for playing the game. It is simply because everyone can try their hand at this game without having to invest any money in it and, believe it or not, earn actual money just for playing at no cost to the players.

While it is true that a lot of elements of this production come in the form of virtual, unique tokens, this is not to say that there aren’t any Free to Play alternatives either. Once again, StarHeroes is a game meant for everyone and as a result, both blockchain players, as well as traditional gamers, have the opportunity to compete in the same game, with the focus being on skills, determination, strategy, and players’ cooperation. In terms of actual gameplay, StarHeroes focuses on player rivalry and engagement, and both offensive and defensive units are available to build the most competitive team (fleet). In this way, the game offers a competitive and vibrant PvP scene, which is among the most popular kinds of gameplay that can be found today across numerous gaming genres.

Историјско партнерство

The creators recently discussed the aforementioned significant accomplishment, namely StarHeroes receiving a grant from a tech behemoth, Microsoft. This grant allows them to work with reputable studios like Ubisoft and Microsoft Studios. All this opens doors to great success as it creates many incredible opportunities for development – both for StarHeroes and its developers. Ubisoft in particular is known for making popular titles like ‘Prince of Persia’ and ‘Assassin’s Creed’ games, just to name a few.

Of course, while some players may remain skeptical of the Play and Earn and NFT-verse game concepts, StarHeroes nevertheless shows a lot of promise in many ways. Naturally, big-time companies must think this too, since Microsoft has acknowledged the game and its potential. Perhaps more importantly, though, the partnership with Microsoft will open the doors for blockchain gaming in general, with the goal being that numerous other titles would get a similar chance to work with major companies in the future.

Какав потенцијал СтарХероес има за будућност?

Игра је била у развоју више од две године, а сада СтарХероес коначно добија значајну вучу и брзо долази на све наслове како у крипто, тако иу традиционалним медијима. Као такав, развојни тим укључује разне бивше запослене у ЦД Пројект Ред-у који су радили на играма попут 'Тхе Витцхер 3: Вилд Хунт' и 'Циберпунк 2077', тако да је сва прилика да су две године проведене у развоју СтарХероес-а добро потрошене.

Уопштено говорећи, оснивачи СтарХероес-а такође виде огроман потенцијал у еСпортс играма заснованим на блокчејну. Чак и ако још увек нису мејнстрим, СтарХероес би могао бити добар почетак за блокчејн игре у смислу могућности да привуче пажњу традиционалних играча. Имајући то на уму, играње СтарХероес-а је модификовано у организацију еСпортс турнира, што је такође правац којим програмери намеравају да иду с обзиром на саму популарност и успех еСпорт индустрије, укључујући игре као што су 'Леагуе оф Легендс', 'Старцрафт' и 'ДОТА 2'.

Put simply, StarHeroes has the potential to not only be successful in its own right but also to lead the charge for other blockchain-based games as well.

О СтарХероес-у

СтарХероес је свемирска пуцачина из трећег лица заснована на блокчејну коју покреће колекционарски НФТ који садржи динамичне свемирске битке заједно са огромним светом отвореним за истраживање и борбу преко два различита режима за више играча, односно авантуру и рангирање. Играчи могу да граде своје флоте и истражују космос док учествују у епским свемирским биткама.

The Polish production also exemplifies the Web3-based Play and Earn model, which enables gamers to earn real money in exchange for playing the game. Once again, the importance of the partnership with Microsoft cannot be understated, as this is an industry first and it exemplifies the potential that StarHeroes possesses.

For more information and regular updates, be sure to visit the official website as well as on Твиттер.

Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Ово је плаћено место и не треба га третирати као вест / савет.


Source: https://ambcrypto.com/microsoft-gives-grant-to-blockchain-based-web3-game-starheroes/