Безпоуздана куповина НФТ-а на Фларе-у помоћу токена другачијег блокчејна

23. фебруар 2023. – Дубаи, Уједињени Арапски Емирати

The layer one for data, Flare, just completed a live demonstration of new interoperability functionality now available in beta on the network.

Using two core interoperability protocols, State Connector and FTSO (Flare Time Series Oracle), an NFT was trustlessly purchased with the transaction taking place on a different chain using a different token. The demo was performed on Flare’s canary network, Songbird, with the purchase made using DOGE and XRP tokens.

Flare’s State Connector protocols enable information both from other blockchains and the internet to be used securely, scalably and trustlessly with EVM-based smart contracts on Flare chains.

In this case, it has been used to prove that a transaction has been confirmed on a non-Flare chain and simultaneously verify the correct payment reference was included.

The Flare Time Series Oracle delivers highly decentralized price and data feeds to DApps on Flare -without relying on a centralized provider to bring the data on-chain. For the demonstration, it provides the live updating price of the NFT in the currency of the other chain.

As Flare is an EVM-based blockchain, everything that can be achieved on Ethereum and other EVM chains can also be performed on Flare.

The NFTs minted in the demo are therefore standard ERC721 contracts written in Solidity and deployed on the network. The only changes required were the addition of methods to integrate with the FTSO and State Connector.

Хуго Пхилион, извршни директор и суоснивач компаније Фларе, рекао је:

“This demo highlights Flare’s ability to provide more types of secure, decentralized data on-chain in order to power new functionality and potential use cases for the industry. The NFT demo is one example of the Web 3.0 utility Flare can unlock for legacy tokens, enabling them to be used trustlessly in DApps on the network.

“We are excited to see what other applications engineers can develop, harnessing the capabilities of Flare’s native interoperability protocols.”

О Фларе-у

блесак is an EVM-based layer one blockchain that gives developers decentralized access to high-integrity data from other chains and the internet. This enables new use cases and monetization models, while allowing apps to serve multiple chains through a single deployment.

Фларе'с Стате Цоннецтор protocols enable information both from other blockchains and the internet to be used securely, scalably and trustlessly with smart contracts on Flare.

Фларе Тиме Сериес Орацле delivers highly-decentralized price and data feeds to DApps on Flare, without relying on centralized providers.

Градите на Фларе са више података него икада раније или градите уз Фларе да бисте опслуживали више екосистема.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/23/trustlessly-purchasing-an-nft-on-flare-using-the-token-of-a-different-blockchain/