Унтрацеабле Евентс лансира УННИ, токен за ангажовање у стварном животу, како би побољшао искуство учесника на Блоцкцхаин Футуристичкој конференцији 2022.

Блоцкцхаин Футурист Цонференце, Canada’s largest блоцкцхаин and crypto event, returns to Rebel Entertainment Complex in Toronto from August 9-10, 2022. Presented by Унтрацеабле Евентс, this year’s conference will feature the launch of UNNY, the Real Life Engagement Token. UNNY looks to disrupt the event landscape by tokenizing gamification, driving attendees to participate in specific actions and enhancing the overall event experience.  

Untraceable Events has prioritized the attendee experience, and has brought innovative gamification features to all their events. At this year’s Futurist Conference, attendees will be able to accumulate points by completing over 1,000 unique challenges including: going to sponsor booths, attending speaking sessions, completing activations, and engaging in other areas of the event.

By accumulating points, attendees can receive UNNY, which can be exchanged at specific vendors and experiences across the event from food pop-ups, VIP tickets and helicopter rides.   Attendees can track their points on the Futurist Web App leaderboard, and compete for top prizes such as Front Row Tickets to Vitalik Buterin’s Presentation on August 10th, 2022.

UNNY is a concept years in the making, and is a culmination of the diverse ways Untraceable has set out to better the event experience. UNNY’s core function is to drive attendee actions in real life. Directing attendees to engage in specific actions can also improve people, profit, and planet, all the while rewarding people for engaging in activities that bring positive change. Attendees fulfilling actions like recycling and donating to charities will be rewarded with UNNY.

флека ће покретати сва плаћања на лицу места, укључујући камионе са храном, продавце на пијаци, вожње хеликоптером и све УННИ искачуће станице. Еартх Валлет, is educating and equipping attendees with the means use UNNY onsite. Earth Wallet’s  mission is to help shape our planet’s future with a crypto wallet that empowers individuals to support innovative climate initiatives.

“Events are a crucial component within the blockchain ecosystem, but most events are missing the importance of teaching the audience how to use цриптоцурренци in the real world. With UNNY, we can demonstrate the advantages of how tokenization can improve events and the world for the better” said Tracy Leparulo, Untraceable CEO and founder. “In order to change the world, we must change events because life is just a series of events and UNNY can help create a positive world using the power of blockchain technology.”

Untraceable has partnered with over 75 sponsors for this year’s Futurist Conference, and the event is projected to attract over 6,000 attendees, making it the largest crypto event in Canadian history. The conference will be livestreamed to over 1 million viewers through CoinMarketCap. For tickets, visit https://www.futuristconference.com 

Абоут Унтрацеабле:

Унтрацеабле је прва агенција за управљање догађајима и маркетинг у оквиру заједнице блокчејна и криптовалута у Канади. Основан 2013. како би помогао у изградњи и развоју крипто заједнице, Унтрацеабле пружа пун пакет услуга маркетинга догађаја и саветодавних услуга. Унтрацеабле се специјализовао за дизајнирање најсавременијих догађаја и маркетиншких кампања неприметно интегришући крипто улазнице, апликације за догађаје, креирање токена и иновативна технолошка решења. Унтрацеабле је организовао стотине догађаја од првог Битцоин Екпо-а у Канади до првог Етхереум хацкатхона, ЕТХВатерлоо-а, Полицон-а и највећег канадског блоцкцхаин догађаја, Футуристичке конференције.

About Tracy Leparulo:

Tracy Leparulo is a futurist and early advocate for growing the international blockchain and cryptocurrency community. Since 2013 she has been at the forefront of building communities for leading projects including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Polymath. She is the founder of Untraceable, a Toronto-based event marketing and advisory company that works with leading blockchain companies to propel their brand through online and live marketing activations. For the last 9 years Tracy has organized dozens of the world’s leading blockchain conferences including Futurist, Canada’s largest blockchain event.


UNNY is a utility token used in exchange for goods and services at Untraceable events. UNNY is not an investment asset or currency.

Одрицање од одговорности: ТхеНевсЦрипто не подржава никакав садржај на овој страници. Садржај приказан у овом саопштењу за штампу не представља никакав савет за инвестирање. ТхеНевсЦрипто препоручује нашим читаоцима да доносе одлуке на основу сопственог истраживања. ТхеНевсЦрипто није одговоран за било какву штету или губитак у вези са садржајем, производима или услугама наведеним у овом саопштењу за штампу.

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/untraceable-events-launches-unny-the-real-life-engagement-token-to-enhance-attendee-experience-at-blockchain-futurist-conference-2022/