250,000,000,000 Шиба Инуа (СХИБ) нагло пребачен у Цоинбасе од стране банкротираног крипто зајмодавца Воиагера

New data reveals that bankrupt crypto lender Voyager Digital is suddenly moving hundreds of billions of Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens to Coinbase.

According to blockchain cybersecurity company Peckshield, the embattled crypto firm has пренета a total of $28.7 million worth of digital assets to various crypto exchange platforms.

Peckshield finds that Voyager moved 250 billion SHIB worth about $3.4 million at time of writing to Coinbase and 15,000 Ethereum (ETH) worth $25.3 million to both Coinbase and Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange platform by volume.

It was also disclosed that Voyager received 105 million ETH, worth about $164 million, from FTX last September before the crypto exchange platform filed for bankruptcy.

“Voyager has transferred $28.7M worth of crypto [assets] to crypto exchanges, including 15,000 ETH ($25.3 million) to Binance.US and Coinbase (ETH at 1,675) and 250 billion SHIB ($3.4 million). Coinbase Voyager received 105,000 ETH (ETH at $1,559 on the day of transfer) from FTX on 7th Sep. 2022.”

Извор: ПецкСхиелд/Твиттер

Voyager’s downfall почела last July when it was forced to shut down customer withdrawals and deposits, citing the failure of fellow crypto firm Three Arrows Capital to pay back a loan worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Voyager filed for bankruptcy and struck a deal with Binance, which saw the crypto exchange platform куповина Voyager’s remaining assets for a discounted price.

Shiba Inu is trading for $0.000013 at time of writing while the second-largest digital asset by market cap is moving for $1,698.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/ValDan22/WindAwake

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/17/250000000000-shiba-inu-shib-abruptly-moved-to-coinbase-by-bankrupt-crypto-lender-voyager/