5 нових криптовалута крипто китова се гомилају 2022

After the 2022 cryptocurrency market crash; users are looking for the best new cryptocurrency to watch in 2022. Apart from the popular meme tokens like Doge and Shiba Inu, there are нови НФТ пројекти and metaverse platforms coming up that users are looking to invest in.

This guide will review the 5 best cryptocurrencies to buy now and the new assets that whales are accumulating.

The Top 5 New Cryptocurrency Crypto Whales Are Accumulating 2022

The sections below list 5 crypto coins to buy now:

A Closer Look at the top 5 New Cryptocurrency that Crypto Whales Are Buying in 2022

What new crypto should I buy? Before answering this question, let’s take a closer look at the best 5 cryptos to buy now.

1.    Tamadoge – Best New Cryptocurrency to Buy

тамадоге (ТАМА) is an upcoming decentralized crypto platform that aims to revolutionize the gaming sector by deploying DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols via blockchain technology. Given that meme tokens such as Doge and Shiba Inu have provided considerable returns to investors, Tamadoge may be the next 100x crypto in 2022.

One of the main reasons for this is the use-case of the project. TAMA, the native token of the Tamadoge ecosystem fuels a play-to-earn (P2E) metaverse-based platform where users stand a chance to earn in-game rewards via digital tokens.

The main P2E feature is Tamadoge pets – virtual dog-like avatars which can be bought from the Tama store with the native cryptocurrency token. These avatars are minted as NFT using smart contract functionality.

With Tamadoge pets, users can compete for points on monthly leaderboards and stand a chance to earn TAMA from ‘dogepools’ and P2E prize pools.

Currently, TAMA launched its beta presale in July 2022 and has sold over $100,000 worth of tokens since the presale was launched. This new cryptocurrency coming out is also expected to launch on centralized and decentralized exchanges such as LBank and UniSwap, respectively.

TAMA aims to provide further benefits to users by providing a maximum token supply of 2 billion tokens. Whenever users purchase items on the Tama store with TAMA, 5% of all tokens spent are burnt. This will help in increasing the demand against the supply.

The future roadmap for Tamadoge also envisions an Augmented-Reality (AR) app that will retain the P2E dynamics as the web-based protocol. Therefore, Tamadoge has the potential to become one of the најбоље метаверсе игре у КСНУМКС.

Корисници заинтересовани да сазнају више о пројекту могу се претплатити на званични Телеграм гроуп и будите у току. Администратори вам никада неће прво послати ДМ, чувајте се превара где имитатори копирају слику профила и име администратора или модератора.

Мин Инвестмент1,000 ТАМА (∼$10 + накнада за гас)
Мак ИнвестментН / Д
Методе куповинеЕТХ, УСДТ, дебитна/кредитна картица (преко Трансак-а)
Бета продаја се завршаваКСНУМКСнд септембар КСНУМКС


Купите Тамадоге на Бета претпродаји

2.    Battle Infinity – New Cryptocurrency About to Launch

Баттле Инфинити (ИБАТ) is another new cryptocurrency coming out that offers a P2E platform where users can earn in-game rewards.

At the centre of this ecosystem is the Battle Arena – the metaverse platform of the Battle Infinity platform. IBAT is the native cryptocurrency & utility token of Battle Infinity. With IBAT, users can access in-game rewards, settle transactions and access P2E features such as the IBAT Premier League – the world’s first NFT-based fantasy league.

Users can also access IBAT Stake – a staking platform where investors can earn interest on their tokens. After earning IBAT rewards, the crypto can be swapped with other cryptos on the IBAT Battle Swap.

Currently, IBAT launched on presale on July 11th. Early investors bought 8,600 BNB ($2.5 million) of IBAT in the first four weeks of the Battle Infinity presale, and it may sell out early – the hard cap is over 50% hit.

Јоин ИБАТ Телеграм За више информација. Администратори вам никада неће прво послати ДМ, чувајте се превара где имитатори копирају слику профила и име администратора или модератора.

Visit IBAT Presale Now

3.    Lucky Block – New Cryptocurrency to Invest in 2022

 Луцки Блоцк (ЛБЛОЦК) is a popular cryptocurrency project and an NFT-based competition platform. The Lucky Block platform hosts a main weekly draw and NFT draw every week – where players can stand a chance to win up to $50,000.

At the center of the Lucky Block ecosystem is the LBOCK token. LBLOCK began trading in January 2022 and instantly rewarded users with a 1,100% price increase within two weeks. Notably, the platform developers release two versions of the token – a BEP 20 token and ERC 20 token.

While the BEP 20 token is used primarily for decentralized exchanges (DEXs), the ERC 20 token will be deployed on centralized exchanges.

Moreover, the LBLOCK price increased by more than 400% in July 2022. LBLOCK is expected to provide further growth with its upcoming listing on MEXC – a popular centralized exchange.

Посетите локацију Луцки Блоцк

4.    Ethereum – Large Cap Crypto to Buy Now

Ethereum is the largest altcoin and the second largest cryptocurrency worldwide – with a market cap of more than $200 billion. In 2021, Ethereum reached an all-time high (ATH) of $4,900 in November before experiencing a massive price correction in 2022.

The Ethereum network is an open-sourced blockchain system that deploys its own cryptocurrency – ETH. Furthermore, the network deploys smart contracts to support thousands of DeFi protocols, DApps, NFTs and more features.

Ethereum is also expected to drop its highly-anticipated ETH 2.0 upgrade, which aims to solve the network’s current high scalability and transaction speed issues. Currently, users can купити Етхереум for $1,650 per token and hold it for long-term gains.

Купите Етхереум одмах

Криптосредства су веома променљив нерегулисани инвестициони производ. Нема заштите инвеститора у Великој Британији или ЕУ.

5.    Polygon – Upcoming Cryptocurrency to Buy in 2022

Полигон (MATIC) is an open-sourced and decentralized platform deployed on top of the Ethereum network to help with the platform’s network and scalability issues.The polygon network solves the Ethereum issues by deploying Optimistic Rollups – L2 protocols that help with scaling.

Compared to Ethereum’s 15 transactions per second (TPS), Polygon can handle over 65,000 TPS. Thus, it is emerging as one of the best future cryptocurrency projects in 2022.


MATIC is the native cryptocurrency of the polygon network and has been one of the few profitable assets in 2022. The price of MATIC increased from  $0.41 on July 1st to $0.91 on July 22nd, 2022. This marks a price increase of more than 100%.

Купите полигон одмах

Криптосредства су веома променљив нерегулисани инвестициони производ. Нема заштите инвеститора у Великој Британији или ЕУ.

Како купити Тамадоге (ТАМА)

Interested investors can learn how to buy Tamadoge by following the step-by-step directions below.

Корак 1: Подесите крипто новчаник

Корисници треба да преузму крипто новчаник када траже где да купе Тамадоге.

На пример – корисници могу да користе МетаМаск – један од најбољи крипто новчаници, што ће омогућити корисницима да купе ТАМА током текуће бета претпродаје.

Корисници могу да пређу на МетаМаск и кликну на 'Преузми'.

Корак 2: Купите ЕТХ или УСДТ

Корисници могу купити Тамадоге са ЕТХ или УСДТ тако што ће га купити на крипто берзи и пребацити токене назад у своје Метамаск новчанике.

Такође је могуће купити ТАМА користећи дебитну/кредитну картицу преко популарног фиат он-рампа Трансак.

Корак 3: Повежите МетаМаск са Тамадоге платформом за претпродају

Следећи корак је да пређете на Тамадоге вебсите и кликните на 'купи'. Корисници тада могу да кликну на „Повежи новчаник“ и изаберу свог добављача новчаника да се повежу са платформом за претпродају.

Пратите упутства да званично повежете новчаник.

Корак 4: Купите ТАМА токене

Последњи корак је куповина ТАМА-е. Једноставно унесите износ ТАМА који желите да купите и изаберите „Претвори ЕТХ“ или „Претвори УСДТ“. Корисници треба да купе најмање 1,000 ТАМА.

Купите Тамадоге на Бета претпродаји

Коначно, корисници могу затражити своје ТАМА токене када се претпродаја заврши. Када се период претпродаје заврши, кликните на 'захтјев' на почетној страници Тамадоге веб странице.




Source: https://bitcoinist.com/5-new-cryptocurrency-crypto-whales-are-accumulating-2022/