АББЦ Траде план ускоро постићи циљ; Почиње догађај спаљивања 300 милиона АББЦ новчића

The ABBC Foundation is pleased to announce that the ABBC Trade Plan is rapidly approaching its target of 320 million ABBC Coins. Thanks to our dedicated community, we have come within reach of this milestone. Our CEO Jason Daniel Paul Philip extends his heartfelt thanks to the ABBC community for making this possible. 

As announced previously, the ABBC Foundation is marking the Plan’s success with a scheduled burn of ABBC Coins to maximize the value in the ABBC ecosystem. After a careful analysis of our tokenomics, we have decided to burn 300 million ABBC coins. 

The ABBC Trade Plan represents a strategic retrieval of the community’s ABBC coins through the use of the ABBC Foundation’s funds. The plan’s structure empowers users by offering BUSD rewards in exchange for ABBC coins. 

The ABBC Foundation provides users with exciting rewards and earning opportunities. The opening rate was a wholesome 300% BUSD reward for every subscriber and the final reward rate is running at 240% BUSD. The rewards are being distributed on a weekly basis for a period of 365 days. 

The ABBC Foundation has also incentivized users with referral reward systems and have offered them a user-friendly interface that enables them to instantly track and claim their BUSD rewards whenever they want, with top-tier security.

Through this burn event, we are aiming to reduce inflation and maintain a healthy balance between supply and demand. By eliminating the 300 million ABBC Coins through an eater address, we are creating a safer, more robust and sustainable project economy. 

Further details about the burn event will be announced soon, through the ABBC Foundation’s official channels. 

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Пост Виевс: 5

Source: https://coinedition.com/abbc-trade-plan-to-achieve-target-soon-burn-event-of-300m-abbc-coin-commences/