Банкарски гиганти Цити, БНИ Меллон и Веллс Фарго предводе прикупљање 105,000,000 долара за компанију за крипто инфраструктуру

The latest major funding round for crypto trading infrastructure firm Talos is raising $105 million from investors including banking giants Citi, BNY Mellon and Wells Fargo.

In a new press release, the New York-based company каже that global growth equity firm General Atlantic led the Series B funding round that brought Talos’ current value to $1.25 billion.

The new funding round brought major investors including Citi, BNY Mellon, Wells Fargo, Stripes, Strategic Capital, DRW Venture Capital, SCB 10x, Matrix Capital Management, Fin VC and Voyager Digital, Graticule Asset Management Asia (GAMA) and LeadBlock Partners.

The firm’s existing investors including Andreessen Horowitz, PayPal Ventures, Castle Island Ventures, Fidelity Investments, Illuminate Financial, Initialized Capital, and Notation Capital also participated.

The additional investment comes as Talos experiences explosive growth, with institutional trading volume surging by over 20x year-over-year. The firm plans to use the additional funding to scale and diversify its institutional-grade digital asset platform and fund its expansion in Europe and the Asia Pacific region.

Says Talos co-founder and CEO Anton Katz,

“We believe that the digital assets infrastructure will have a wide-scale impact on the entire financial industry and ultimately, we will see traditional asset classes ultimately migrate to this new technology as well. Our investors, which include some of the most storied institutions on Wall St., share this belief and we’re honored to have their confidence and support.”

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Сурф Даили Ходл Мик

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/тостпхото/Никелсер Кате

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/12/banking-giants-citi-bny-mellon-and-wells-fargo-lead-105000000-raise-for-crypto-infrastructure-firm/