Битфлек.Инц почиње БЕТА тестирање своје крипто размене: трговине без накнаде

Bitflex.Inc has today announced that it is starting the BETA test of its cryptocurrency exchange, the Bitflex exchange, and plans to officially launch the exchange later in October this year.

The Bitflex exchange offers a user-based interface that has built-in notifications, charting tools and news to enable users to access a superior environment to make educated trades. Additionally, the exchange will offer up to eight trading pairs for linear perpetual swaps.

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 While making the announcement, the CEO Ee Wui Yang said:

“We are so excited to finally be opening up beta testing after a long road of development. We are confident the platform we have built will provide a safe and enjoyable trading environment for our users.”

Bitflex exchange BETA testing

The Bitflex CEO also went ahead to say that the exchange will offer “zero-fee trades” for the first month after the BETA test launch.

Yang said:

“In addition, we are also providing zero-fee trades in our platform for the first month from our BETA testing launch which means anyone who signed up during the BETA testing does not need to pay any trading fees when they trade here. We are one of the few, if not the only crypto exchange in the world that is currently giving out this benefit.”

Commenting on the zero-free trades, the CEO said that they are doing that since they know their platform is still in the works and there may be some things that may require improvement.

Yang said:

„Радимо то из доброг разлога јер разумемо да је наша платформа још увек у изради и да ће можда бити потребно много области за побољшање да би се на крају такмичила са другим крипто берзама као што су Бинанце и БиБит и желимо да пружимо подстицај за трговци да дођу на нашу платформу и помогну нам да је изградимо кроз конструктивне повратне информације. Стога смо више него срећни да прво апсорбујемо трошкове њихових трговачких накнада."

The team believes the success of the platform will depend on the testers’ feedback. To that end, the testers will also access exciting rewards for what they do.

To participate in the public testing one will require to follow the Bitflex Twitter page for the latest updates on the exchange and also join the BETA testing via a веза.

The team has provided tutorials to assist users to understand how the exchange works. The team is also expected to announce a “bug bounty campaign” soon where they will giveaway USDT as rewards.

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Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/06/20/bitflex-exchange-beta-testing/