Креатор Цардано Цхарлес Хоскинсон каже да се стотине крипто пројеката спремају за лансирање након надоградње Блоцкцхаин-а

Charles Hoskinson says many projects are preparing to launch on the Cardano (ADA) blockchain after its Vasil hard fork upgrade.

Hoskinson, the Cardano co-creator, says in a цвркут that there are hundreds of projects announcing they will advance using ADA’s new capabilities become на располагању to developers next week.

“I’ve seen hundreds of tweets like this one. Lots of projects are excited to deploy now.”

He refers to the project from the decentralized streaming music company NEWM, which is developing a platform to allow artists to share music among consumers and earn royalties through NFTs.

НЕВМ каже the Vasil upgrade will make its operations more efficient.

“What does this mean for our community? We’ve been waiting for Vasil to deploy our smart contracts. This upgrade makes them more efficient and cost-effective on Cardano. The future of music is happening now! More on this soon.”

У другом цвркут, Hoskinson praises the achievement of the upgrade while criticizing a news headline for saying the upgrade came after a three-month delay.

“It’s amazing to me to see the passive aggressiveness in some of the headlines. We’ve just completed a major milestone that took coordination and testing from people and companies across the world, but the news item is ‘three-month delay’? Journalists always tell you who they are.”

The Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) CEO previously рекао the upgrade makes the goals of ADA seem achievable.

“We built Cardano to be the financial operating system of the world. We built it to bank the unbanked. We built it as a community to give economic identity to those who don’t have it so we can have one global fair marketplace.”

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Тераблете

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/23/cardano-creator-charles-hoskinson-says-hundreds-of-crypto-projects-gearing-up-for-launch-after-blockchain-upgrade/