Славни кувар Гордон Ремзи улази у Црипто Арену са новим НФТ пројектом

Famed celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay is venturing into the crypto space with the launch of a new non-fungible token (NFT)-focused reality cooking show on decentralized gaming platform The Sandbox (SAND).

The celebrity chef is најављујући his foray into the metaverse to his 7.6 million Twitter followers via a video featuring a digital version of himself and a virtual version of Hell’s Kitchen.

Hell’s Kitchen is a five-time Emmy-nominated reality cooking show where participants compete for a chance to become the head chef of one of Ramsay’s restaurants.

The Sandbox partnered with ITV Studios, the show’s distributor, to bring Hell’s Kitchen onto their own parcel of land on the Ethereum-based metaverse. It will be the platform’s first cooking themed game, where players can virtually create dishes, collect recipes and join competitions to be a head chef.

The Sandbox says that digital assets and NFTs, which include limited edition Gordon Ramsay avatars, will also be available for players and creators to complement their experience.

Каже Ramsay,

“There’s nothing more exciting to me than chartering new territory, whether that’s creating a signature dish, a new restaurant concept, a new show, or now a virtual experience in The Sandbox.

I’ve been fascinated by The Sandbox and its offering in the metaverse. I couldn’t think of a better platform to bring the high energy of my Hell’s Kitchen restaurant and brand.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Julien Tromeur

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/19/celebrity-chef-gordon-ramsay-enters-crypto-arena-with-new-nft-project/