Цхангпенг Зхао одговара на коментаре генералног директора Кракен Џесија Пауела о крипто регулацији

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao is taking issue with Kraken CEO Jesse Powell’s use of the term “offshore” in regard to the crypto space.

On Friday, Powell циљао at US regulators for ignoring crypto space-related issues offshore.

“I can’t tell you how infuriating it is to have pointed out massive red flags and obviously illegal activity to regulators only to have them ignore the issues for years. ‘They’re offshore. It’s complicated. We’re looking at everybody.’ FOR YEARS. Then to be used as their example.”

Раније овог месеца, СЕЦ приморана Kraken to eliminate its staking program and pay a $30 million fine.

Zhao, however, didn’t like Powell’s wording.

“The term ‘offshore’ appears overly narrow-minded, self-centered, misses the broader picture and is unhelpful to the development of our industry.

Taking an ‘on-shore’ perspective, the issue discussed, FTX.US is an ‘on-shore’ exchange. SBF and FTX’s key execs are Americans. They spent a considerable amount of their time and efforts lobbying in the US. This did not stop fraud from being committed.

Drawing a distinction between ‘onshore’ and everyone else is self-centered and somewhat arrogant. Everyone is ‘onshore’ from their own perspective. ‘We are better than everyone else’ is not a panacea towards building a better industry.”

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Генерисана слика: Мидјоурнеи

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/21/changpeng-zhao-responds-to-kraken-ceo-jesse-powells-comments-on-crypto-regulation/