Домаћин Цоин Буреау-а предвиђа велики раст крипто сектора, именује један алткоин за гледање

The host of popular YouTube crypto channel Coin Bureau is naming an “interesting” blockchain gaming platform that he says he’s got on his radar.

У нови видео ажурирање, the pseudonymous analyst known as Guy says that the play-to-earn gaming ecosystem Gala (GALA) saw a significant decline as a result of the bear market, but the platform remains one of the most promising projects in the space. 

“Gala is an interesting one. Gala, as like most of the rest of the crypto market has dumped pretty hard in the last few months. The bear market has taken a big old chunk out of it. However, Gala Games is still one of those projects that I think has a lot of utility.“

Given that Gala Games continues to see relatively high development activity, Guy says that the Ethereum token that powers the platform is currently one worth watching.

“There seems to be a lot of development going on. I did notice just recently, in the last couple of days or so, they’ve hired a new senior vice president of games to help develop Town Star and I noticed, actually I was reading about it, this is a guy who used to work on the Command & Conquer series. 

I’m not much of a gamer, but I do remember playing some of those early Command & Conquer games when I was younger and absolutely loving them, not that that says anything about the long-term potential of Gala. However, like I say, I do think it has a growing ecosystem. It does seem to have a lot of users and utility…

Obviously, play-to-earn games, blockchain games is one of those sectors I expect to grow a lot over the next few years, so I think Gala is definitely one worth keeping an eye on for sure.”

At time of writing, GALA is trading for $0.05.


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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Ornithopter/INelson

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/12/coin-bureau-host-predicts-major-growth-for-crypto-sector-names-one-altcoin-to-watch/