Цоин Центер тужи Трезор САД и ИРС због наводног финансијског шпијунирања

The decentralized crypto community is also concerned about regulatory issues. On Friday, the Coin Center — a non-profit think tank focused on cryptocurrency regulation — filed a lawsuit against the US Treasury Department and IRS, alleging that a 2021 infrastructure legislation’s requirement for tax reporting is “unconstitutional.” Coin Center went to court to block the enforcement of Section 6050I’s reporting requirement.

Coin Center takes US Treasury and the IRS to court over unconstitutional tax reporting rule

Coin Center, a Washington, D-based non-profit блоцкцхаин advocacy organization, filed a lawsuit against the United States Department of the Treasury and the IRS for allegedly drafting an unlawful amendment to the controversial infrastructure bill. The lawsuit focuses on the Infrastructure, Jobs Act, which was signed into law last year and is known as the $1.2 trillion spending bill that sought to boost infrastructure and stimulate economic development.

According to Coin Center, a tax provision in the bill encourages financial monitoring of crypto users. According to the firm, this clause breaks civil liberties by forcing crypto users to submit personal information to the government.