ДеСо који подржава Цоинбасе представља МегаСвап, 'Стрипе фор Црипто' производ, са више од 5 милиона долара у обиму

7. фебруар 2023. – Лос Анђелес, Калифорнија

ДеСо са узбуђењем најављује покретање МегаСвап a revolutionary cross-chain smart service that enables users to securely and easily swap coins between different blockchains with a frictionless zero-login.

MegaSwap solves various critical pain points, including onboarding new users and liquidity to any Web 3.0 application across any blockchain ecosystem.

У свом ограниченом издању, платформа је већ видела више од 5 милиона долара у обиму, демонстрирајући свој потенцијал да револуционише крипто тржиште разменом унакрсних ланаца.

MegaSwap offers an alternative and safer solution to the traditional centralized exchange model where users don’t ever have to log in or provide sensitive personal information.

Instead of storing their coins on a centralized exchange, users can store them in their own self-custody wallets to mitigate the risk of unforeseen meltdowns, such as those seen with FTX, BlockFi, Celsius or Voyager.

МегаСвап is a simple, innovative solution for developers seeking to build Web 3.0 applications on different blockchains. Developers can install its frictionless zero-login API with a single line of code, making their apps chain-agnostic and accessible from any blockchain.

For the first time, apps on Ethereum can easily compose with apps on Solana or DeSo. MegaSwap thus makes it easier for liquidity and new users to be onboarded into any blockchain ecosystem.

Nader Al-Naji, founder of DeSo, said,

“One of the biggest use cases we think will have the greatest impact is onboarding new users that don’t own your coin. That all changes with MegaSwap, where devs can leverage crypto-to-crypto swaps between any two coins no matter what blockchain ecosystem they’re in.

“This last use case is a great wedge because it solves the biggest pain point for every blockchain dev today getting new users without making them buy your coin on an exchange.”

The blockchain ecosystem is currently fragmented, making it hard for users who want to try out different Web 3.0 apps.

With MegaSwap, users can easily and securely swap between Ethereum, Solana, Bitcoin, DeSo and USDC, with support coming soon for other blockchains like NEAR, ADA, Doge and more. This makes it easier than ever to move funds between blockchains, allowing communities to seamlessly navigate from app to app.

ДеСо is committed to creating a social layer for Web 3.0 that allows communities to seamlessly transition between different blockchains. The launch of MegaSwap is a testament to this commitment and eliminates a major hurdle preventing the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

This is yet another example in a recent string of successes for DeSo. Recently, they launched a breakthrough fundraising platform called, ‘Openfund,’ that enables entrepreneurs to launch tradeable coin-backed fundraising rounds via the world’s fastest order book exchange.

Са комбинацијом Опенфунд and MegaSwap, founders and builders can easily fund projects, acquire new users and expand their reach with a comprehensive suite of powerful tools in the DeSo ecosystem.

Такође су се недавно удружили са Универзитетом Принстон како би лансирали прву такве врсте Web 3.0 startup competition and have a slew of upcoming releases that will position DeSo as the go-to layer one blockchain to build decentralized social media applications.

Поред тога, Друштвена мрежа Хард Форк just went live, enabling decentralized verifications. They plan to move to a proof-of-stake later this year, improving performance and energy efficiency.

О ДеСоу

DeSo is a new layer-one blockchain built from the ground up to decentralize social media and scale storage-heavy applications to billions of users. It raised $200 million and is backed by Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz, Coinbase Ventures, Social Capital, Polychain Capital, Winklevoss Capital, Pantera and other blue chip funds.

Погледајте цело путоказ и затражите своје корисничко име Десо.


Асх Гхаеми, DeSo Foundation

Овај садржај се спонзорише и треба га сматрати промотивним материјалом. Овде су изнета мишљења и изјаве аутора и не одражавају мишљења Тхе Даили Ходл-а. Даили Ходл није подружница нити је у власништву било којег ИЦО-а, блоцкцхаин стартапа или компанија које се оглашавају на нашој платформи. Улагачи би требали обавити своју дужну опрему прије него што уложе високи ризик у било које ИЦО-ове, блоцкцхаин стартапове или крипто валуте. Имајте на уму да су ваша улагања на властити ризик, а за било какве губитке који могу настати ваша је одговорност.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/07/coinbase-backed-deso-unveils-megaswap-a-stripe-for-crypto-product-with-over-5-million-in-volume/