Креативни крипто пројекти за август: Унигло (ГЛО), Схиба Ину (СХИБ) и ПаинтСвап (БРУСХ)

If you want to benefit from the next wave of creativity in the crypto space, you need to pick the right investments and strap yourself in for the long-term. The crypto space is incredibly volatile right now. So short-term gains aren’t as easy as they once were. But if you want the best possible portfolio for August and beyond, you might want to listen to what experts are saying. And they’re currently recommending 3 of the most creative tokens the space has seen some time, with potential to surge over the coming months and beyond. These tokens are PaintSwap, Shiba Inu and Uniglo. They all offer unique benefits for their holders, and could be a huge part of the crypto space. Now could be the time to add them to your portfolio right now. Let’s have a look at why…

Унигло (ГЛО)

The team behind Uniglo have helped create some of the best crypto features we’ve seen in a long time. It’s completely deflationary, at a time when the economy needs it. That’s because it’s got a full asset-backed store of value, a gold standard for the crypto world and something fiat lost long ago. These assets are completely diversified, so the performance of any one of them won’t matter too much to the overall price of GLO, saving it from massive price dumps like those that are over-reliant on BTC.

GLO also uses a radical ultra-burn mechanism to continue to limit supply over time. By burning more tokens, GLO becomes more and more scarce, making it a completely deflationary coin, and one with a price people can have real faith in.

Схиба Ину (СХИБ)

Some have questioned the fundamentals of SHIB in the past. But these questions have been answered by increased passive income options with SHIB, alongside massive token burns to shore up prices. One thing that can’t be questioned with SHIBA is how the team have managed to creatively market the coin. Shiba has shown the true potential of social media, and have arguably revolutionalized how other tokens look to promote themselves. Shiba still has potential, and already has an army of loyal fans. That’s why experts are still recommending SHIB for your portfolio.

PaintSwap (BRUSH)

PaintSwap has created an incredibly innovative platform that is fast becoming the ultimate NFT marketplace. It also offers yield farming options from NFTs, and a range of other creative features. It could become the go-to place to trade NFTs, and experts like its long-term potential.


GLO, SHIB and BRUSH all have a ton of potential in the crypto space. Experts think now is the perfect time to add them to your portfolio, to gear it up for gains over the coming months. Check them out immediately.

Сазнајте више овде:

Придружите се претпродаји:  https://presale.uniglo.io/register 

Сајт:  https://uniglo.io 

телеграм: https://t.me/GloFoundation

Дискорд:  https://discord.gg/a38KRnjQvW 

Твиттер:  https://twitter.com/GloFoundation1

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/02/creative-crypto-projects-for-august-uniglo-glo-shiba-inu-shib-and-paintswap-brush/